1973 – FLOATATION EXERCISE at OHR PARK – 12 (Nova) Scotia Field Squadron – Memories by Cliff Russel

© Arnd Wöbbeking © Photos by Cliff Russel

The 12 (Nova Scotia) Field Squadron, was based in Hameln between 1992 and 1999 and attached to the 28 Amphibious Engineer and later to the 28 Engineer Regiment. But it was not the first time this Squadron had been around, because this Squadron also participated in various exercises. Thus also 1973 during one of the large autumn exercises. The squadron was stationed in Osnabrück at that time, but during the maneuver it came close to Ohr Training Area and had to wade through the Weser with their FV432. Cliff Russel, who served at this Squadron from the 19th July 1970 to February 1974, gave me his pictures of this exercise. Thank you Cliff.

Die 12 (Nova Scotia) Field Squadron, war in den Jahren 1992 – 1999 in Hameln stationiert und gehörte mit zum 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment bzw. später dann zum 28 Engineer Regiment. Aber es war nicht das erste Mal das diese Squadron hier in der Umgebung gewesen ist, denn auch diese Squadron hat an diversen Manövern teilgenommen. So auch 1973 währrend eines der großen Herbstmanöver. Die Squadron war seinerzeit in Osnabrück stationiert kam aber währrend des Manöver in die Nähe von Ohr und musste dort mit Ihren FV432 durch die Weser waten. Cliff Russel der vom 19th July 1970 bis Februar 1974 bei dieser Squadron gedient hat, stellte mir seine Bilder dieser Übung zur Verfügung. Vielen Dank Cliff.


The crew of 11A



FV432 in the woods



Sunday Kit clean


Swimming and flowting at Ohr Park Training Area



Leopard 1 of the West German Army



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    • Claire on April 25, 2024 at 9:12 am
    • Antworten

    Hi, does anybody remember my Dad Terry Newbery Sapper, he was posted to 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron in Hamelyn early/mid 60’s. Any I formation I would be so grateful.

    Kind Regards
    C Davies

    1. I am really sorry, but I don’t have any information about your Dad. But I will ask a lad, when I am going to the EX-Pats Club soon! Best wishes Arnd

    • Eaton on November 13, 2021 at 3:14 pm
    • Antworten

    My name is Les Eaton,I also was a tug opp at Hameln.I was in 30 Fld Sqn and started my B3 and B2 course in 1967 after coming back from Aden,I was at the tug pool for about 3 years.I think the Sgt in charge then was called Sturges.

      • Eaton on November 13, 2021 at 7:20 pm
      • Antworten

      Hi Tony Sweet
      I do remember you ,
      our OC was Major Nottingham (a gentleman) and the 2ic was cpt Eyres I was in 4 troop.
      I also remember building Ohr park

  1. I too was in 12 Sqn. Osnabrück 69-72, but before that I was in 30 Sqn. Hameln, 65-69 and we build Ohr Park 1966,looking at the pics, the 432 missed 3 exit ramps and left via, “Panic Beach”, as we called it.

      • Phil ( jerry ) Jerome on März 30, 2018 at 9:03 pm
      • Antworten

      I was one of the permenent staff tug-opp’s stationed at Hameln bridging hard, we were mored at the downstream inlet where our tugs were maintained. Our job was to cover those APC crossings and heavy floating bridge builds as safety/work boats and well remember those missed attemps to exit the rivers, unfortunately they were not all happy endings and it came down to us to recover the ‘unfortunates’.

      1. Thanks mate for these information! Great to read your comment!

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