© Bill Crone
As promised, here are a really stunning photo series of Bill Crone!
All scannend and restored. The photos showing the Exercise Swordfish in 1972.

The 1st photo was taken in the town of Bodenwerder on the move to the crossing places!

Nuclear Power Plant Würgassen

Somewhere in the woods….

Somewhere in the woods….

River Crossing at Meinbrexen, close to Beverungen.

River Crossing at Meinbrexen, close to Beverungen.

River Crossing at Meinbrexen, close to Beverungen.

River Crossing at Meinbrexen, close to Beverungen

River Crossing at Meinbrexen, close to Beverungen

River Crossing at Meinbrexen, close to Beverungen

River Crossing at Meinbrexen, close to Beverungen

River Crossing at Meinbrexen, close to Beverungen

River Crossing at Meinbrexen, close to Beverungen

River Crossing at Meinbrexen, close to Beverungen

River Crossing at Meinbrexen, close to Beverungen

River Crossing unknown place

River Crossing unknown place

River Crossing unknown place

River Crossing unknown place

River Crossing unknown place

River Crossing at Ferrypoint Oedelsheim

River Crossing at Ferrypoint Oedelsheim

River Crossing at Ferrypoint Oedelsheim

River Crossing at Ferrypoint Oedelsheim

River Crossing at Ferrypoint Oedelsheim

River Crossing at Ferrypoint Oedelsheim

River Crossing at Ferrypoint Oedelsheim

River Crossing at Ferrypoint Oedelsheim

River Crossing at Ferrypoint Oedelsheim

River Crossing at Ferrypoint Oedelsheim

River Crossing at Ferrypoint Oedelsheim

River Crossing at Ferrypoint Oedelsheim

River Crossing at Ferrypoint Oedelsheim

River Crossing at Ferrypoint Oedelsheim

somewhere in the woods, possible Beverungen Area

on the move, along the Weser on B83

on the move, along the Weser on B83, this one here in the middle of the town of Beverungen

on the move, along the Weser on B83

on the move, along the Weser on B83

somewhere in the woods

on the move, along the Weser on B83

on the move, along the Weser on B83

on the move, along the Weser on B83

on the move, along the Weser on B83
…and here is a map, with the named locations:
2 Kommentare
Wirklich sehr schöne Bilder. Da kommen alte Erinnerungen hoch. Eine Frage : Wann bekam die britische Armee die Tarnanzüge?
Gute Frage, ich werde mal nachfragen ob sich jemand erinnert. Gruß Arnd