Zurück zu Amphibien / Amphbious


Der Vorläufer der M2- und M3-Fähren war die Gillois-Fähre der Eisenwerke Kaiserslautern (EWK). In den 1950er Jahren wurde dieses amphibische Brückenfahrzeug entworfen und gebaut. Ich hatte das Glück, mit einigen Männern sprechen zu können, die dieses Fahrzeug bedient haben. Sie berichteten, dass es äußerst schwierig war, die Fahrzeuge für den Einsatz im Wasser vorzubereiten. Besonders die sperrigen Gummibälge stellten eine Herausforderung dar. Daher waren sie sehr erleichtert, als die M2-Fahrzeuge in Dienst gestellt wurden.

Es ist äußerst schwierig, Bilder dieses Fahrzeugs in britischen Händen zu finden. Deshalb bin ich Joe Whiston sehr dankbar, dass er mir Fotos aus seiner Dienstzeit zur Verfügung gestellt hat. Joe war einer der ersten, die mit diesen Fahrzeugen von Osnabrück nach Hameln kamen. Leider ist Joe inzwischen verstorben, aber ich werde ihn niemals vergessen und ihm für seine Hilfe immer dankbar sein. Ruhe in Frieden, mein Freund!


The predecessor of the M2 and M3 ferries was the Gillois ferry of Eisenwerke Kaiserslautern (EWK). This amphibious bridging vehicle was designed and built in the 1950s. I had the privilege of speaking with some men who operated this vehicle. They shared how challenging it was to prepare the vehicles for water operations, particularly the cumbersome rubber bellows, which were difficult to handle. They were greatly relieved when the M2 vehicles were introduced into service.

It is very difficult to find images of this vehicle in British hands, so I am extremely grateful to Joe Whiston for providing me with photos from his time in service. Joe was one of the first to bring these vehicles from Osnabrück to Hameln. Unfortunately, Joe has since passed away, but I will never forget him and will always be thankful for his help. Rest in peace, my friend!

Registrationnumbers GILLOIS
16 BT 6516 BT 6616 BT 67
16 BT 6816 BT 69
The last two were only purchased after the test phase was completed!
20 BT 0420 BT 05
The following picture was taken in the Robert Barracks,
Osnabrück, shortly before they were relocated to Hameln!
Bridgetraining at Wouldham Camp
Journey through Minden Gap unterhalb der Porta Westfalica!
Maintenance at Bailey Park Hameln
Bailey Park taken by Bob Tyler between 1967-71

Bailey Park taken by Bob Tyler between 1967-71

GILLOIS - Characteristics
Overall lenght12,3 m
Width Road3,29 m
Width Water
Height Wheels (retracted)3,9 m
Total weight with crew and floating bodies29.000 kg (MLC 36)
4x4 with retractable wheels
Bridge length:
8 m. per bridge section
Range (street)840 km
Max Speed Road70 km/h
Water Speed unloaded12 km/h
MotorDeutz Type F 12 L 714
air-cooled diesel engine 250hp
Bridge width:
± 4 m
Left and right folding bridges with a width of 700 mm
Schwimmer - Characteristics
ManufacturerDeutsche Schlauchboot Fabrik
1.40 m
196 kg.
Air capacity15 m³
Air compartments9


3 Kommentare

  1. Hi Tony, thanks for comment this article here! Great to hear that you found this site and get some memories!
    Regards Arnd

    • Tony White on Februar 16, 2014 at 3:28 pm
    • Antworten

    I served in 2 troop 23 A.E.S from 1967 to 1969 I have copies of 2 of the photos shown, on the one where the vehicles are at rest at the side of the road i was on that exercise and recognise my old mates on the vehicle. The other one is the vehicle going into the river Vaser at Hameln.

    1. Would love hav them on my page here! Best wishes Arnd!

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