1971 / 04 / 07 – 28 AMPHIBIOUS ENGINEER REGIMENT – Formation – Memories by Bob Tyler

We write the 07.04.1971. The British army wrote history today in Hameln. Since the end of the war British units were stationed in Hameln. Including three infantry regiments, but most were soldiers of the Royal Engineers based here in Hameln. Hameln offered these pioneer units very good places  to practice their drills & skills so that they are well prepared for exercises and in a serious emergency. River crossings were the order of the day. Until 1962 bridges with components were built like the Bailey Bridge, the LAFB and HGB bridges. This has changed since the year 1962, because this year the first amphibious vehicles appeared in Hameln. The Weser, which was at that time a defensive line, the Amphibious make it possible to cross the River The 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment RE with a total of 3 squadrons and a maintenence unit. This regiment under the leadership of Lt.Col. HJ Goodson (who conducted a survey to know all about their strengths and weakness to make a master plan to defeat the enemies) is the largest Engineer Regiment of the British Army. 2nd in Command was Major MPC Nottingham.

This occasion was reason enough to hold a parade in the Bindon Barracks (Scharnhorst barracks) in order to present this unit to the city of Hameln and its inhabitants. The parade was accompanied by “The Band of the Royal Engineers” from Aldershot under the direction of Captain SW Patch LRAM ARCM RE. As “Director Of Music” he played an important role in the famous Edinburgh Tattoo in 1979. Bob Tyler was present at the time and clever enough to capture this historic moment in some photos, Thanks for the photos Bob.

Wir schreiben den 07.04.1971. Die britische Armee schrieb heute in Hameln Geschichte. Seit Ende des Krieges waren in Hameln britische Einheiten stationiert. Darunter drei Infantrie-Regimenter, aber sont waren es immer Soldaten der Royal Engineers. Hameln bot diesen Pioniereinheiten reichlich Gelegenheiten Ihre Drills & Skills zu üben und bei Manövern und in einem Ernstfall gut vorbereitet zu sein. Flussüberquerungen waren an der Tagesordnung. Bis 1962 wurden dazu Brücken mit Bauteilen gebaut wie die Bailey Bridge, die LAFB, HGB Brücken. Seit dem Jahr 1962 änderte sich das, denn in diesem Jahr erschienen die ersten Amphibischen Fahrzeuge in Hameln. Notwenidigerweise um den Panzer- und Infanterieeinheiten der britischen Armee und auh der NATO ein schnelles Überqueren der Weser, die damals Verteidigungslinie gewesen ist, zu ermöglichen, entsand aus dieser amphibischen Abteilung ein ganzes Regiment! Das 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment RE mit insgesamt 3 Squadrons und einer Instandsetzungseinheit. Dieses Regiment unter Fühurng von Lt.Col. HJ Goodson ist das größte Engineer Regiment der Britischen Rheinarmee. 2nd in Command war Major MPC Nottingham.

Dieser Anlaß war Grund genug um in den Bindon Barracks (Scharnhorst Kaserne) eine Parade abzuhalten um auch der Stadt Hameln und seinen BEwohnern und Stadtvätern diese Einheit vorzustellen. Musikalisch wurde die Gründung begleitet durch „The Band of the Royal Engineers“ aus Aldershot unter der Leitung von Captain SW Patch LRAM ARCM RE der später im Jahr 1979 u.a. als „Director Of Music“ beim berühmten Edinburgh Tattoo eine wichtige Rolle spielte. Bob Tyler war seinerzeit dabei und clever genug um diesen, für die Britische Armee und der Stadt Hameln gleichermaßen, historischen Moment im Bild festzuhalten. Vielen Dank für die Photos Bob. 









21 Kommentare

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    • Peter Rayner on März 26, 2024 at 5:53 pm
    • Antworten

    I was the Paymaster of 28 Amphibious engineer Regiment from 1970 to 1974. Anyone remember me?

    • Jeff Santos. on Februar 6, 2024 at 1:47 pm
    • Antworten

    I have just read the Cmments above, PHEW!!!! alot of Memmories I must say!!!

    • John Fletcher on Oktober 26, 2023 at 1:37 am
    • Antworten

    John Fletcher Pay Clerk served with 28 Amph Regt RCT prior to and during its formation. Served as crew member during exercise on the Rhine at Guntersblum, anyone still alive remembers me?

    • Karen Kehr on Dezember 27, 2022 at 7:58 am
    • Antworten

    Can someone help me? I’m looking for my father! My name is Karen Kehr. I was born on February 10, 1971 as Julie Heinemann in Hameln.
    My birth mother’s name was Gaby Heinemann, born in 1946. She died in a car accident in 1974. My father was stationed in the British Army and his first name is said to be “Dave”. After he got the information from my grandmother, Agnes Rosenthal, that I would be put up for adoption, he is said to have gone back to England. The youth welfare office tried to determine paternity by requesting the army, without success. I would like to find him so much to finally find peace. I look forward to every hint. Also on Facebook.
    Best regards, Karen

    • Jeremy Reid on Oktober 9, 2020 at 10:12 pm
    • Antworten

    HJ Goodson was my grandfather who passed away in 2015. He left the Army in 1983 as a Brigadier. Does anyone have any information on him?


      • Gaye Horton on April 23, 2021 at 11:30 am
      • Antworten

      Hi Don,
      Thanks so much for that, very much appreciated, I’ll pass it on to my mum. Hope retirement is suiting you and very best wishes for the future, Gaye Horton.

      • Gaye Horton on April 23, 2021 at 11:32 am
      • Antworten

      Hello Jeremy,
      My dad was in 64 sqn – SSM JB Horton, I heard him speak of a Col Goodson many times, not sure if it is the same man. Unfortunately my dad died in 1999 so can’t tell you anymore, sorry. Kind regards, Gaye

      • Pete Quigley on März 14, 2023 at 3:46 pm
      • Antworten

      Pete Quigley here. Col Goodson was CO of 28 Amph Regt & one of my jobs was COs Driver & he was my boss.
      A great guy & we got on very well. He would have remembered me for writing off his brand new staff car when I was late picking him up to visit an exercise that was going on. The car was so new that we still had the old Zephyr that we had to start using again when I wrote off the new 1800.
      I thought I saw COL Goodson one day when I was truck driving on my way to Poole probably in the Ferndown area. Its quite a while ago but it was somewhere in that neck of the woods.
      Maj Nottingham was 2IC & Capt Khana was Adjutant in his time.
      A good guy & I am so sorry to hear of his passing.

      • Robin Holloway on Mai 9, 2023 at 11:33 pm
      • Antworten

      I was just a nine year old lad but I remember being at the parade ground as 28 Am Eng Reg was formed with my Dad who was OC 44 Fd Spt Sqn at the time. If my memory serves me right he had two daughters who I used to visit and we’d play together. But I do remember his wife was a talented artist who painted a really good picture of the M2 vehicles in action on the Weser. I think the painting hung in the Officers Mess where we went for the regular weekend curries while all the officers seemed to drink G&Ts.

    • Don Felton on Oktober 7, 2020 at 3:34 pm
    • Antworten

    Yes I remember your dad very well. Hell of a ssm, firm but fair. He saved my bacon in what could have been a court martial situation. I was a Cpl. Our troop Ssgt made a very dangerous decision which I opposed. An argument ensued, it ended up with me pinning him against the wall. Just as the OC entered the building!
    I was charged with attacking a Snco, however your dad knew the truth And stuck up for me. I did a lot of extra duties, but it went no further. For that I am forever grateful.
    I retired in 1994 as a Capt. Now living in Emmerthal with my wife.
    I wish you well.

    Don Felton

    • Horton on August 2, 2020 at 10:22 pm
    • Antworten

    Hello to anyone reading this. My dad was SSM 64 sqn at it’s formation, WOII J B Horton. Anyone remember him or has any photos. Many thanks.

      • Pete Quigley on März 14, 2023 at 3:24 pm
      • Antworten

      Hi from Pete Quigley. I knew your Dad John & he was a great SSM. The best in the Regt in fact.
      I was with 28 Amphibious Engineer Regt from 1st June 1970 (HQ Troop) to start with & later moved to 64 SQN.
      I left Hameln in 1975-76. I will always remember Hameln & what a fantastic time we all had. Just read Don Felton’s story. I remember him from my service with the Engineers & always knew he would go far. on courses he always came top but very rarely wrote notes while studying (what a brain).
      Just clicked on here today for something to do & the memories are flooding back.

        • Gaye Horton on Oktober 31, 2023 at 4:00 pm
        • Antworten

        Hi Pete, from Gaye Horton. Just found your response, thank you. I also have very happy memories of Hameln, would go back to that time in an instant. I always get more nostalgic at this time, in the run up to Christmas. I was still at junior school, near Bridge Camp I believe. We lived on Anton Bruckner Straase near Beethoven flats. So sad to see the camp and school have been demolished, I couldn’t go back now, I would be heartbroken.

        Hope life is treating you well, best wishes.

  1. Does anyone remember Dave Rochford

    • Brian Taylor on Juni 22, 2019 at 5:23 pm
    • Antworten

    Was in 23 Amphibious Engineer Sqn from 1967/70 then 64 Amphibious Engineer Sqn from formation 1970/72 Loved every minute in Hameln

    • Alan Hollyoak on Februar 2, 2019 at 8:26 am
    • Antworten

    Was in 23 Amph. 1964 till 68, then later in 73 Amph (just in time for the 28 formation parade) till 1974…I would also love the Sqd. Plaque….Thanks….

    • Paul Bransby on Juli 16, 2018 at 4:42 pm
    • Antworten

    Started my service at Beachley Barracks, Chepstow with the AAC. in 1965. Did the tragic Aberfan disaster thing whilst there. Served with 73 AES. 28 Regiment. Hameln from 1969 to 1972. Many memorable times on the Weser and the schemes in Mainz. Started in a Ferret recon. driver troop then moved onto M2B rigs as driver/pilot. My biggest regret was my forced purchase discharge in 1972, due to marital issues. Remained in Germany, working until 1984. My ” claim to fame” during my army career was that M2B training film/video was filmed from the inside rear of my VW Estate car. I also featured in a 20th century Fox recruiting film for the AAC boys entries, whereby I had to comment on how good the food was at Beachley [even though I was lying through my teeth about that!] Never got to see either of these clips or if they were ever used. One last note, if anyone ever reads this, I would love to get a 73 AES or 28 AER wall plaque, if anyone could help.

      • Steve beall on August 6, 2019 at 5:29 am
      • Antworten


      I have a 28AER wall plaque that wa souvenir to my father as he left the army in 72 or 73, happy for you to have it given you served in the same regiment and at the same time.


        • Paul Bransby on Oktober 4, 2019 at 9:34 pm
        • Antworten

        Hi Steve,
        Just picked up your message,.
        I would greatly appreciate and treasure your fathers wall plaque, if you still have it, thank you.
        So long ago now but the forces never leave your blood, even if the memories start to wane!

          • Malcolm Walters on Januar 1, 2023 at 11:54 am
          • Antworten

          Hi Paul, or should I say “Proff”. Wally Walters here. Good to see your name after all the years.

    • Ken black on Mai 30, 2018 at 7:14 pm
    • Antworten

    Great piece arnd

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