1962/08/13 Hughs Game

© by Hugh McKenna, Arnd Wöbbeking und Deister- und Weserzeitung

Hugh McKenna, who now lives in Bo’Ness in Scotland, was stationed in Hameln from 1960 to 1963 as a young boy. By chance we found each other on Facebook and we started to chat about Army and other things. I am fascinated by what a memory the now 80 year old has of his time in Hameln. “It was a great time!” He wrote to me. He also promised me in our first chats that he would like to tell me more about his time.

A few days ago, Hugh sent me a newspaper cutting with a photo of two soccer teams. Of course I asked him what it was about and so he told me about “his” team. At the same time I was able to find the original article in the local newspaper „Deister -und Weserzeitung“.

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the “VFB Hemeringen” association, a soccer tournament was organized in August 1962, to which a team from the British garrison in Hameln was also invited. Hugh was one of the players and even had the honor of wearing the captain’s armband. He can still remember well. Also at the subsequent celebration with everyone involved. The 80-year-old Scotsman can even remember almost all the names of his teammates:

No1 – Nicholson (Goalkeeper)

No2 – Mcarthur

No3 – King

No4 – Mcmillan

No5 – Tait

No6 – McKenna

No7 – Hutchison

No8 – no name

No9 – no name

No10 – Swinton

No11 – Brown (Sgt)

After translating the article to Hugh, he says that the strong middle runner of the British team could only mean the No5 B. Tait. By the way, on the team picture, Hugh is the first on the right!

Thanks Hugh for your memories!

Hugh McKenna, der heute in Bo’Ness in Schottland lebt war als junger Bursche von 1960 – 1963 in Hameln stationiert. Durch Zufall haben wir uns über Facebook gefunden und wir schreiben in regelmäßigen Abständen. Ich bin fasziniert was für ein eErinnerung der inzwischen 80 – jährige hat über sein Zeit in Hameln. „Es war eine tolle Zeit!“ so schrieb er mir. Auch versprach er mir in unseren ersten Chats, das er mir mehr über seine Zeit erzählen möchte.

Vor ein paar Tagen sendete Hugh mir einen Zeitungsausschnitt mit einem Foto zweier Fussballmanchaften. Natürlich fragte ich ihn was es damit auf sich hat und so erzählte er mir von „seiner“ Mannschaft. Parallel dazu konnte ich den Original Artikel in der Deister—und Weserzeitung finden.

Zum 15-jährigen Bestehen des Vereins „VFB Hemeringen“ wurde im August 1962 ein Fussbalturnier organisiert, zu dem auch eine Mannschaft der britischen Garnison in Hameln eingeladen wurde. Hugh gehörte zu den Spielern und hatte sogar die Ehre, die Kapitänsbinde zu tragen. Noch gut kann er sich erinnern. Auch an die anschließende Feier mit allen Beteiligten. Der 80-jährige Schotte kann sich sogar noch an fast alle Namen seiner Mannschaftskameraden erinnern:

No1 – Nicholson (Goalkeeper)

No2 – Mcarthur

No3 – King

No4 – Mcmillan

No5 – Tait

No6 – McKenna

No7 – Hutchison

No8 – no name

No9 – no name

No10 – Swinton

No11 – Brown (Sgt)

Nachdem ich Hugh den Artikel übersetzt habe, meint er, das mit dem starken Mittelläufer der britischen Mannschaft nur die No5 B. Tait gemeint sein konnte. Auf dem Mannschaftsbild ist Hugh übrigens der erste in der rechten Seite!



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    • Josephine Etherington on Mai 17, 2022 at 4:23 pm
    • Antworten

    My Dad was a serving soldier called John Etherington. I grew up in Tundern with my two brothers and my mum. We used to play along the River Wesser. I remember fields of Lupins and and I scream van that came most days and served water ices for 5 fenwicks. We went to school by army bus in Hamelin. Happy happy days. I have lots of memories and photos. Prior to Tundern we were quartered in Hanover and prior to that Yeoville in Somerset.

    1. Thanks for your comment! Every time great to hear about memories!

    • E W STEPHENSON on November 16, 2020 at 12:39 am
    • Antworten

    My name is Eric Stephenson,i was in the very last call up of National Service in the British Army.Date November 1960.My army Number 23817649. My Regiment was the RASC.After training in Blenheim Barracks Aldershot,and Yoevil,Somerset.I was posted to 1 Coy Rasc,Strategetic Reserve,in Colchester.During my time there i spent 8 months in Kenya at Gilgil,and also some time in Dekalia in Cyprus,returning to UK WITH ABOUT 2 MONTHS LEFT OF OUR 2 YEARS TO SERVE.uNFORTUNATELY FOR US.It had been decided that we being the last of the National Servicemen,we would have to serve an extra 6 months.So my final 7 months ii served in Hamelin in Germany with 10 Coy RASC ( Bridging ) at Schanhorst/bIndon) Camp.I was finally demobbed iin May 11th 1963.
    When i returned home to Middlesbrough

    1. Cheers, pal four story here in my page!

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