1977/06/03 – Freedom of the Town – First Day Cover

03.06.1977 Freedom of the town - First Day Cover front


03.06.1977 Freedom of the town - First Day Back Cover

03.06.1977 Freedom of the town – First Day Cover inside

3 June 1977

Corps of Royal Engineers Freedom of the Town of Hameln

Commemorative Cover

Stamps: 8½ᵖ “Silver Jubilee” commemorative, issued 11 May 1977.

Special Handstamp:

Freedom of the Town of Hameln, The Corps of RE, RE Cypher,

BSPF 3677.


Misprint: The Bandsman’s Coat should be red not black.

The trousers , Flag and RE Cypher should be a dark blue

Thanks for information to Darrell Drury from http://www.refdc.co.uk/



1 Kommentar

    • Sheila Atkinson on Juli 10, 2020 at 1:16 pm
    • Antworten

    Hi trying to find information from 1976 to 1982 when my husband was at 42 squadron royal engineers and we had a married quarters in hasten beck Germany I remember the freedom of the town of Hameln and I wondered if there was anymore photos and information we where at the Gordon barracks Hameln and and trying to piece together memories for my 3 boys and also if their is a site I can purchase 3of the squadron badges I would appreciate a reply sorry my German skills are not very good. Also if you could forward this on to anyone who could help I would be very grateful. Thank you sheila sellers now Atkinson

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