Zeitungsartikel gab es eine ganze Menge über die in Hameln stationierten Einheiten!
Einen Teil habe ich hier mit Erlaubnis der DEWEZET aufgelistet!
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1989/10/21 🇬🇧 BODENWERDER SAVED BY LEE STUART No, we are not talking about the town of Bodenwerder, but rather the passenger ship of the same name. A ship that is normally moored securely in the port of Hameln. But on October 20, 1989, it was not …
1951/10/18 – 58 Ind Fd Sqn Royal Canadian Engineers coming to Hameln
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧🇨🇦 1951/10/18 🇨🇦🇬🇧 58 Ind Fd Sqn Royal Canadian Engineers are stationed in Hameln On October 18, 1951, the district and the city of Hameln were informed that the 58 Ind Fd Sqn Royal Canadian Engineers would be stationed in Hameln. Over 300 men would move to Gordon …
1951/12/29 – We will remember – Sgt Ludge – 58 Ind Fld Sqn RCE
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧🇨🇦 1951/12/29 🇨🇦🇬🇧 We will remember – Sgt Ludge – 58 Ind Fld Sqn RCE A tragic accident occurred on the evening of 29th December 1951. At around 9 p.m., a young Canadian soldier was driving his jeep through Hameln. While overtaking a motorcyclist on the bridge, …
1963/01/08-31 – Goldbeck was engulfed by snow and ice
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1963/01/08-31 🇬🇧 Goldbeck was engulfed… The winter of 1962/63 was not only harsh—it was relentless. The villages in the higher regions of the district were surrounded by a white hell, completely buried in snow, suffocated under a blanket of icy cold and oppressive snowfall. In Goldbeck, …
1958/01/03 Children’s festival in the Pipers Club
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1958/01/03 🇬🇧 Children’s festival in the Pipers Club British soldiers have always shown a particular fondness for children, something I have witnessed repeatedly over the years. A particularly heartwarming example occurred just after New Year’s in 1958. On 2nd January, Major Vaughan and his wife invited …
1962/11/ 24 – Inspection of Royal Warwickshire Regiment
(c) Arnd Wöbbeking & DEWEZET Heute vor 53 Jahren berichtete die DEWEZET über die Inspektion des 1. Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiments durch General Butler, dem Kommandeur der 2. Infanterie Division der Britischen Armee! +++ Today, 53 years ago the local newspaper DEWEZET reported about the inspection of the 1st Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiments! +++ +++ …
1953/11/02 – 58 Ind Fd Sqn Royal Canadian Engineers leaving Hameln
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧🇨🇦 1953/11/02 🇨🇦🇬🇧 58 Ind Fd Sqn Royal Canadian Engineers leave Hameln On 2 November 1953, Resident Officer Bankart, in cooperation with the Dewezet, announced that the 58 Ind Fd Sqn of the Royal Canadian Engineers would be leaving Hameln. All businesses and private individuals with outstanding financial …
2006/08/15 – Ein Brite aus Hameln….
(c) Dewezet Ein Bericht über die Hamelner Soldaten, die im Irak im Einsatz sind! +++ A report about the soldiers of hamelin who are in Iraq in action! +++
2006/07/18 – Am Pranger für den guten Zweck
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 2006/07/18 🇬🇧 They help how and where they can “Pilloried for a Good Cause” — this was the headline of an article in the local newspaper *DWZ* on July 18, 2006. To raise funds, several soldiers from the Royal Engineers placed themselves in the stocks and …
1993/11/05 – Bericht über den Besuch der Queen
(c) Dewezet Ein ausführlicher Bericht über den Besuch der Queen stand am 05.11.1993 in der Dewezet! — A detailed report about the visit of the Queenstood at the 05.11.1993 in the Dewezet! —
1993/11/04 – Die Queen erreicht Hannover und fährt dann mit dem Auto nach Hameln
Die Queen ist heute in Hannover gelandet und wurde dann mit dem Auto nach Hameln gefahren! — The Queen has landed today in Hanover and was then driven by car to Hamelin! —
1993/10/30 – Vorankündigung Queen Besuch – Queen visit Hameln
Die Queen besucht Hameln, ein Ereignis, was wohl einzigartig sein wird! Hier aus der Dewezet die Vorankündigung! — The Queen visited Hamelin, an event which will be unique! —
1990/06/14 – Bombing of the Hamelin units – Bombenanschlag auf die Hamelner Einheiten
(c) Dewezet Ein böser Zwischenfall ereignet sich in Hameln am 14.06.1990. Eine IRA Terroristin sprengte das Gebäude an der Fischbecker Landstraße auf dem Übungsplatz Upnor in die Luft! Hier sind zwei Zeitungsartikel vom Samstag darauf! — A nasty incident occurred in Hameln on 14.06.1990. An IRA terrorist blew up the building at the Fischbecker County …
1986/10/15 – Marathon for needy children of Hamelin – 29 Field Squadron RE
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1986/10/15 🇬🇧 Marathon for needy children of Hamelin 29 Field Squadron RE In October 1986, the 29 Field Squadron RE of the 35 Engineer Regiment sparked genuine waves of enthusiasm by completing a marathon of a very special kind! Their so-called “charity run” took them from …
1986/09/02 – Day of Lower Saxony
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1986/09/02 – Day of Lower Saxony 🇬🇧 In September 1986, Hameln hosted the Day of Lower Saxoy.n For the Royal Engineers, it was a matter of course to actively participate in the preparations. Using heavy equipment, they cleared the numerous flower tubs from the pedestrian zone …
1979/09/12 – Short visit to the Army
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1979/09/12 🇬🇧 Short visit to the Army It is widely known that British soldiers have a special affection for children. Time and again, the British troops stationed in Hameln organized events and charitable activities for the young – both from Hameln itself and other cities. For instance, the …
1970/09/19 – Kommandeur des 26 Regiments verabschiedet sich
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1970/07/19 🇬🇧 The Commander of the 26th Regiment Royal Corps of Transport Bids Farewell Lieutenant Colonel Bradbrook, commander of the 26th Regiment Royal Corps of Transport, officially bid farewell after nearly three years stationed in Hameln, the “Pied Piper City”. He will return to England in …
1970/09/10 – Die Briten helfen beim Bau des Sportplatzes in der JA Hameln
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1970/07/09 🇬🇧 British soldiers help build the sports field in Hameln prison On July 9, 1970, construction of the sports field in the youth detention center began. First, British soldiers leveled a field and removed excess earth. A chess field should also be create by them! …
1970/07/20 – The 26th Regiment Royal Corps of Transport bids farewell to Hameln
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 19 July 1970 🇬🇧 The 26th Regiment Royal Corps of Transport bids farewell to Hameln For many years, they shaped the cityscape: the men with their heavy trucks and other vehicles. They took their leave with a grand parade through the town. Thousands watched the …
1970/07/13 – Commanding Officer of the 35 Engineer Regiment RE leaves Hameln
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1970/07/13 🇬🇧 Commanding Officer of the 35 Engineer Regiment RE leaves Hameln Lieutenant Colonel J. H. G. Stevens, Commanding Officer of the 35 Engineer Regiment RE stationed at Gordon Barracks, bid farewell to his unit on Friday before returning to England. To honour his departure, the …
1970/06/07 Rescue in dire need – Rettung in höchster Not
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking & DEWEZET It was the 7th of June, 1970, a date that Rolf Hilker would forever consider his second birthday. Together with his son and his dog, the man from Meierberg near Bösingfeld was enjoying a relaxed day on the Weser River, floating in an inflatable boat. …
1969/10/24 – Inspection by the General
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1969/10/23 🇬🇧 High-ranking visitors to the 26RCT at Bindon Barracks On Thursday, 23rd October 1969, Sir Mervyn Butler, Commander of the 1st (UK) Corps, visited the 26th Regiment of the Royal Corps of Transport, stationed at Bindon Barracks in Hameln. During a tour of the barracks …
1969/04/23 – Brigadier of the 11th (UK) Engineer Brigade leaves the town
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1969/04/23 🇬🇧 Brigadier of the 11th (UK) Engineer Brigade leaves the town Brigadier H.P. Cunningham, Commanding Officer of the 11th (UK) Engineer Brigade, bid farewell to the city of Hameln with a visit to Mayor Leunig. Cunningham had been stationed in Hameln since 1967 and took …
1969/04/02 – HQ 11th Engineer Brigade disbanded – Britisches Hauptquartier hat Hameln verlassen
© Dewezet Kein Aprilscherz, aber am 01.04.1969 wurde das in Hameln beheimatete Hauptquartier der 11 Pionierbrigade aufgelöst. Die Anzahl der in Hameln statioierten Soldaten wird sich dadurch nicht ändern! ++++ No Aprilscherz, but on April 1, 1969, the headquarters of the 11 Engineer Brigade were resolved in Hameln. The number of soldiers in Hamelin will …
1969 – Jahre der Freundschaft liegen vor uns – 20th anniversary of the 29 Field Squadron RE
© Dewezet Ein Zeitungsartikel über eine Parade zum 20 jährigen bestehen der 29 Field Squadron RE, erschien bei der DEWEZET am 17.03.1969. +++ A newspaper article about a parade for the 20th anniversary of the 29 Field Squadron RE was publisehd on 17/03/1969. +++
1969/02/27 – Hameln bleibt englische Garnison
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1969/02/27 🇬🇧 The city of Hameln welcomes the British Officer Corps Mayor Leunig and Chief City Director Dr. Guder recently welcomed the officers of the two British barracks and their spouses at the Hotel Sintermann. The highest-ranking guest was Brigadier Cunningham, commander of the 11th (UK) …
1968/07/02-04 – Pipes and Drums of the 153. (Highland) Transport Regiment in Hameln
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1968/07/02 – 1968/07/04 🇬🇧 Pipes and Drums of the 153. (Highland) Transport Regiment in Hameln On July 2nd and 4th, 1968, the Pipes and Drums of the 153rd (Highland) Transport Regiment, led by Drum Major Cray, performed at the Bürgergarten in Hameln. The regiment was formed …
1965/07/15 – Foundation of 26 Regiment Royal Corps of Transport
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1965/07/15 🇬🇧 Foundation of 26 Regiment Royal Corps of Transport On 16 July 1965, the local newspaper *DEWEZET* reported on the ceremonial founding of the 26th Regiment Royal Corps of Transport. This new regiment was formed from the 26 Transport Column RASC. Eyewitnesses told me that …
1965/06/09 – Englische Militärmusiker begeisterten
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1965/06/09 – 1965/06/09 🇬🇧 The “Band of the Royal Engineers” has the honor During the Pentecost holidays, the county hosted the “Band of the Royal Engineers” from Chatham, who performed a series of concerts. The first of these took place in Kemnade and attracted visitors from the …
1965/03/20 – Maurer flüchtete im Jeep…..
(c) DEWEZET Ein weiterer Zeitungsartikel der sich bislang in Gerhard Fricke seinem Archiv befand und nun den Weg auf meine Seite gefunden hat! Vielen Dank Gerhard! +++ Another Newspaper report from the archive of Gerhard Fricke! He tells us about a German bricklayer who has stolen a British military jeep! Thanks a lot Gerhard! +++
1964/12/03 – Hameln ist Garnisonsstadt
© DEWEZET Ein Bericht über die Verlegung des Hauptquartiers der 11. Britischen Pionierbrigade von Osnabrück nach Hameln! Ein Dewezet Bericht aus dem Archiv von Gerhard Fricke! +++ A report on the relocation of the headquarters of the 11th Engineer Brigade from Osnabrück to Hameln! A Dewezet report from the Archives of Gerhard Fricke! +++
1964/11/14 – 43 Field Park Squadron leaves Hameln
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1964/11/14 🇬🇧 A Valued Squadron Departs from Hameln In November 1964, a valued squadron had to leave the town of Hameln. Their contributions to the community and particularly to the local forestry office were so noteworthy that they were reported in the *Deister- und Weserzeitung*. The …
(c) DEWEZET 19.10.1964 – 300 Offiziere versammelten sich um über die Ergebnisse des derzeit laufenden Manövers Eternal Triangle zu diskutieren! ++++ 19/10/1964 – 300 officers gathered around the cinema and talked about the results of the ongoing Exercise “Eternal Triangle” ++++ ++++
1964/09/26 – Fernddampfanschluß / district steam
Beide Kasernen, Scharnhorst (Binden Barracks) wie auch Linsingen (Gordon Barracks), erhielten im September 1964 Ferndampfanschluß! — Bindon and Gordon Barracks became in September 1964 district stream! — — ++++
1964/08/02 – The Warwicks said “Goodbye” – Abschied des Royal Warwickshire Regiments
© DEWEZET On 2nd of August 1964 the local newspaper DEWEZET publisehd a report of the withdrawal of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment in Hameln. The Warwicks were the last Infantry Regiment which was based in Hameln. From now, Hameln was home of the Royal Engineers! +++ Am 02.08.1964 veröffentlichte die DEWEZET einen Bericht über den …
1964/06/22 – Staatsanwalt schämte sich für Angeklagten…..
(c) Dewezet Diesen Zeitungsbericht hat mir Gerhard Fricke zugesendet! Vielen Dank dafür! ++++ This Newspaper Cut I got from Gerhard Fricke! Thanks for support! ++++
1962/05/29 – The Royal Warwickshire Regiment in Hameln
(c) Dewezet Diesen Zeitungsbericht hat mir Gerhard Fricke zugesendet! Vielen Dank dafür! This Newspaper Cut I got from Gerhard Fricke! Thanks for support!
1961/05/19 – Fatal Accident at the Weir in Hameln
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1961/05/19 🇬🇧 Tragic Accident at the Weir in Hameln A soldier stationed with the troops in Hameln attempted to cross the Weser weir in a paddle boat. The previous day, the same manoeuvre had been completed without incident. This time, too, he was not alone: four soldiers …
1961/05/08 – Accident – VW Beetle vs. Bedford RL
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1961/05/08 🇬🇧 Accident – VW Beetle vs. Bedford RL The press report describes an accident that occurred on May 7th, 1961, in Hameln. Involved were a VW Beetle and a British military truck of the Bedford RL type. The driver of the VW Beetle, approaching from …
1959/11/21 – Parade of the Middlesex Regiment in the Gordon Barracks
© DEWEZET Ein weiterer Artikel der DEWEZET aus dem Archiv von Gerhard Fricke! Herzlichen Dank dafür! Er beschreibt den Führungswechsel im Middlesex Regiment! Oberstleutnant Nolda übergibt die Führung des Regiments an Oberstleutnant Battye! Dazu gab es am 21.11.1959 eine Parade in den Gordon Barracks! +++ Another article in the DEWEZET from the archive of Gerhard …
1959/11/18 – Lt.Col. Nolda / Middlesex Regiment said “Goodbye”
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧1959/11/18 🇬🇧 Change of Command at the Middlesex Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Nolda, the outgoing Commanding Officer of the Middlesex Regiment, is leaving Hamelin. For two and a half years, he led the unit, which had been relocated from Cyprus to the banks of the Weser. During this …
1959/11/05 – Guy Fawkes Day / Gun Powder Plot
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1959/11/05 🇬🇧 “Remember, remember, the Fifth of November” – GUY FAWKES DAY On 5th November 1959, the Deister- und Weserzeitung announced that British troops, along with their families, would light two bonfires on the same day. One bonfire will burn in the northern part of Gordon …
1959/09/04 – Pipers Club is ready
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1959/09/04 🇬🇧 The new Pipers Club is finished In October 1958, construction began on the new building for the Pipers Club on Süntelstrasse. The building was completed in September 1959. The building is used to support troops and is looked after by the “Church Army”. The …
1959/08/15 – Piper’s Club
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1959/08/15 🇬🇧 Advance notice of completion of the new Pipers Club The Pipers Club, built by the Staatshochbauamt near GORODN BARRACKS is soon completed. At last, 14 years after the end of the war, the hotel “Unter den Linden” can now be returned to the germans. …
1959/04/29 – British and Germans injured in a traffic accident
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 29.04.1959 🇬🇧 Traffic-Accident in Hameln A tragic accident shook the city of Hamelin on the morning of Tuesday, April 28, 1959. At around 7:30 am, a truck belonging to the British Armed Forces stationed in Hamelin collided with a German vehicle at the busy intersection of …
1959/03/11 – Accident close to Wouldham Park
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1959/03/11 🇬🇧 Accident close to Wouldham Park An accident with a Bedford RL of the British armed forces from Hameln came on the B83 on the „Ohrsche Landstraße“ at the entrance to the water exercise place (Wouldham Park) there. The British soldier said he had pushed …
1951/10/31 – Die britische Garnison entwickelt sich zu einem Super Arbeitgeber…..
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1951/10/31 🇬🇧 The British garrison is developing into a good employer In 1951, six years after the end of the war, the British garrison in Hamelin employed an incredible 650 GERMAN employees. However, these jobs were not yet very popular with the people of Hamelin, as …
1950/05/18 – Soccer Game between 21 Fld Engr Rgt – HSC Hameln
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1950/05/18 🇬🇧 Soccer Game between 21 Fld Engr Rgt – HSC Hameln Sport is always part of the army, as we all know that sport keeps you physically and mentally fit. Even in the first years of the occupation, there were always sporting competitions between Hameln …
1949/12/03 – Eine Bitte an den Stadtkommandanten
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1949/12/03 🇬🇧 Request to the occupying power Since the end of the war, numerous buildings in Hameln have been confiscated or newly constructed by the British occupying forces. To assist the German population, the then so-called Resident Officer, Colonel Bankart, offered that the newly built apartments could be …
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