Category: EXERCISES of Hameln Units

1968/09/09-1968/09/13 EXERCISE “DELPHI ORACLE”

© Arnd Wöbbeking Der Landkreis Hameln-Pyrmont wurde vom Verbindungsoffizier der britischen Streitkräfte in Hameln über diese militärische Übung informiert: — The district of Hameln-Pyrmont was informed about this military exercise by the liaison officer of the British Armed Forces in Hameln:  

1968/09/01-1968/09/06 EXERCISE “AUTUMN SPLASH”

© Arnd Wöbbeking Der Landkreis Hameln-Pyrmont wurde vom Verbindungsoffizier der britischen Streitkräfte in Hameln über diese militärische Übung informiert: — The district of Hameln-Pyrmont was informed about this military exercise by the liaison officer of the British Armed Forces in Hameln:  

1968/09/09-1968/10/03 EXERCISE “MIXED BAG II”

© Arnd Wöbbeking Der Landkreis Hameln-Pyrmont wurde vom Verbindungsoffizier der britischen Streitkräfte in Hameln über diese militärische Übung informiert: — The district of Hameln-Pyrmont was informed about this military exercise by the liaison officer of the British Armed Forces in Hameln:  

1974/01/21 – 1974/01/24 – “SIGNAL EXERCISE”

© Arnd Wöbbeking Der Landkreis Hameln-Pyrmont wurde vom Verbindungsoffizier der britischen Streitkräfte in Hameln über diese militärische Übung informiert: — The district of Hameln-Pyrmont was informed about this military exercise by the liaison officer of the British Armed Forces in Hameln:

1972/10/06 – 1972/10/20 – EXERCISE “SWORDFISH” – Newspaper Cuts by HNA

© Hessisch Allgemeine Zeitung A few weeks ago, I got some very great photos by Bill Crone. You will find out here: Swordfish by Bill Crone.  Bill wasn’t sure about the name of the exercise, but now I’m sure it was the Exercise Swordfish in 1972. I found some newspaper cuts of the HNA with some photos. …

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© Arnd Wöbbeking und Deister- und Weserzeitung Das Jahr 1965 muss ein sehr verregnetes Jahr gewesen sein. Stieg doch die Weser immer wieder über die Ufer. So auch im Juli des Jahres.  Am 21.07.1965 rückten die Soldaten der 29 Field Sqaudron RE aus um das havarierte Fahrgastschiff „Forelle“ wieder flott zum machen. Die „Forelle“ ein …

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1979 / 03 / 26 – 1979 / 04 / 07 – Bridging the Weser – Exercise „RHINO EM”

© Steve Lewis 1979  Bridging the Weser – Exercise „RHINO EM” Some month ago I got some incredible photos from Henk Mulder, a dutch soldier who took part at in an Exercise with the name “Rhino EM”. Now, I got some additional photos from Steve Lewis. He was based in Hameln with 64 Amphibious Engineers …

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1979 / 03 / 26 – 1979 / 04 / 07 – EXERCISE / OEFENING “RHINO EM”

© Henk Mulder March / April 1979 – 9800 men of the 1st (NL) Corps practiced under the name “RHINO EM” in Germany. Specially also in the district of Hameln-Pyrmont. And how could it be any different, the Amphibious Engineers of Hameln were also involved. They ferried the troops from Netherland save over the river …

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© Soldier Magazin – Text by Mike Starke – Photos by Martin Adam A blast from the past…… Exercise Swordfish took part in 1972 around Hameln, Holzminden, Hannoversch Münden! Found the issue of Soldier Magazin in my archive. Leading unit was the 12th Mechanized Brigade! But read the great article of the Soldier Magazine about the …

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1971 / 09 / 24 – 1971 / 10 / 02 – EXERCISE “FOREFRONT VI”

© Arnd Wöbbeking & Dewezet Forefront VI – a giant – exercise in October 1971! Planned were nearly 12,000 soldiers of the British, German and Danish army! Ultimately, it was then 20,000! Especially here in the district of Hamelin-Pyrmont raged the maneuver through the woods and fields! Also the newly, in Hameln founded 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment, …

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© Arnd Wöbbeking © Photos provided by Lars de Vries & Andreas Koch 2017 in May, the Exercise “Heidesturm” of the Panzerlehrbrigade 9 took part in Germany. An exercise a bit like the exercises during the Cold War. 2500 Soldiers and 400 Vehicles went from Sennelager/Paderborn to Bergen-Hohne. Included two River Crossings. One in Wndheim/Jössen …

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1957 – 26 Field Engineer Regiment – 60 Field Squadron RE – John Bridgwood-Pt.2 – Bridging Exercise at Polle

© John Bridgwood & Arnd Wöbbeking John Bridgwood, was a young sapper as he comes to Hameln! He was attached to 60 Field Squadron RE. The Squadron was a part of 26 Field Engineer Regiment and were based here in Gordon Barracks from 1950 to 1958, then in 1958 the Regiment was disbanded also here in Hameln. …

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1972/10/06 – 1972/10/20 – EXERCISE “SWORDFISH” – Newspaper Cuts by HNA

© Hessisch Allgemeine Zeitung A few weeks ago, I got some very great photos by Bill Crone. You will find out here: Swordfish by Bill Crone.  Bill wasn’t sure about the name of the exercise, but now I’m sure it was the Exercise Swordfish in 1972. I found some newspaper cuts of the HNA with some photos. …

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1996/12/01 – 1996/12/04 – EXERCISE “NEPTUNES FROST” – Official handover of the M3 to the 28 Engineer Regiment

© Arnd Wöbbeking all photos © by Eckhard Uhde Vom 01.-04. December 1996 fand in Hameln und Umgebung das Manöver “NEPTUNES FROST” statt. Ein Manöver was einen Wendepunkt für das Regiment darstellte, denn es wurde offiziell mit neuen amphibischen Fahrzeugen ausgerüstet.  Ein Sauwetter, so sagte mir Eckhard Uhde war es damals, als er mir seine …

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1965/05/27 – John “Jock” Provan – 29 Field Squadron RE – ✝

Am 27 Mai des Jahres 1965 ereignete sich auf dem Weg in das Manöver „Canal Turn“ ein schwerer Unfall. John Provan, der gerade eben erst seine Driving Licence für ein Linkslenker gemacht hat, streifte mit seinem 3t-Bedford RL dabei ein parkendes Auto. Durch den Aufprall auf das parkende Fahrzeug, schleuderte der LKW herum, rutschte durch einen …

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