© Arnd Wöbbeking James Spencer, 65 Sp Sqn was stationed for several years in Hameln and he found my website about the British Army in Hameln! A few weeks ago he asked me if I have information about one of his former comrades! “Pop” Watson was his name, he told me! I will try to find …
1975/09/17 – 32 Years later….. Lancaster Bomber digged out by 73 AmphEngrSqn
© Arnd Wöbbeking & DEWEZET Dieser Bericht hat seinen Ursprung in der Nacht vom 18. auf den 19. Oktober 1943! Die Royal Air Force flog damals einen Angriff mit 360 Lancaster Bombern auf Hannover! Auch die Maschine mit der Kennnummer LM326 und dem Code EM-Z war dabei. Zu der Crew gehörten: Pilot O.G. Tayler RAAF …
1990/09/21 – A memorable visit……
© Arnd Wöbbeking & Karl-Heinz Wunderlich 🇬🇧 1990/09/21 🇬🇧 A memorable visit… The soldiers of the units stationed in Hameln were not only engaged in their regular duties but also participated in various leisure activities. One noteworthy event was the visit of the 71 Amphibious Engineer Support Squadron to the Einbecker Brewery on 21st September 1990. Karl-Heinz …
1989/03/30 – Accident on the Dueth Training Area – Unfall auf dem Dueth Trainingsgelände
© Arnd Wöbbeking & DEWEZET Am 30.03.1989 ereignete sich während einer Fahrschulausbildung auf dem Trainingsgelände in Rohrsen ein schwerer Unfall. Der Fahrschüler eines FV432 versteuerte sich und brachte sein Fahrzeug zum kippen! Der Fahrschüler überlebte diesen Unfall zum Glück, allerdings mit Verbrennungen und Prellungen! +++ On 30.03.1989 during a driver training at the training ground …
1977/06/01 – NARHORSE JOURNAL – 64 Amphibious Engineer Squadron
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1977/06/01 🇬🇧 NARHORSE JOURNAL 64 Amphibious Engineer Squadron Sent in by Michael Conlon In June 1977, the 64 Amphibious Engineer Squadron was stationed in Northern Ireland. During their time there, the “NARHORSE JOURNAL” was published for the soldiers on site. Michael Conlon recently discovered a …
1963/01/08-31 – Goldbeck was engulfed by snow and ice
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1963/01/08-31 🇬🇧 Goldbeck was engulfed… The winter of 1962/63 was not only harsh—it was relentless. The villages in the higher regions of the district were surrounded by a white hell, completely buried in snow, suffocated under a blanket of icy cold and oppressive snowfall. In Goldbeck, …
1958/01/03 Children’s festival in the Pipers Club
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1958/01/03 🇬🇧 Children’s festival in the Pipers Club British soldiers have always shown a particular fondness for children, something I have witnessed repeatedly over the years. A particularly heartwarming example occurred just after New Year’s in 1958. On 2nd January, Major Vaughan and his wife invited …
Goodbye… Alan Young – ✝
Goodbye…… Das Jahr 2015 neigt sich dem Ende, darum ist es für mich Zeit hier einen Artikel zu schreiben, den ich mit Sicherheit nicht gerne schreibe! Wie vielleicht einige Wissen, verwalte ich ja nicht nur die Webseite Military-Database sondern auch die Webseite über die Hameln stationierten Einheiten! Die Webseite über die Britische Armee hat eine …
1962/11/ 24 – Inspection of Royal Warwickshire Regiment
(c) Arnd Wöbbeking & DEWEZET Heute vor 53 Jahren berichtete die DEWEZET über die Inspektion des 1. Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiments durch General Butler, dem Kommandeur der 2. Infanterie Division der Britischen Armee! +++ Today, 53 years ago the local newspaper DEWEZET reported about the inspection of the 1st Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiments! +++ +++ …
2015/11/08 – Remembrance Day – Royal British Legion Hameln
© Arnd Wöbbeking RBL Hameln-Weser Branch Today the Royal British Legion Hameln held the “Remembrance Day” at the memorial stone between Gordon Barracks and the Piper’s Club! Dave Howard, the chairman of the Royal British Legion in Hameln had loaded and many followed his call.It’s been an honor to be here to take some pictures for you! +++ …
2015/11/07 – Guy Fawkes Day / and the story goes on…
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 2015/11/07 🇬🇧 Guy Fawkes Day / Gun Powder Plot – and the story goes on… The British military has withdrawn, the barracks and vehicle depots stand empty. Everything seems to be in the past and forgotten… Or is it? NO, not quite! In Hamelin, the British-German …
1953/11/02 – 58 Ind Fd Sqn Royal Canadian Engineers leaving Hameln
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧🇨🇦 1953/11/02 🇨🇦🇬🇧 58 Ind Fd Sqn Royal Canadian Engineers leave Hameln On 2 November 1953, Resident Officer Bankart, in cooperation with the Dewezet, announced that the 58 Ind Fd Sqn of the Royal Canadian Engineers would be leaving Hameln. All businesses and private individuals with outstanding financial …
2015/08/15 – 65 CSS Memorial Stone at Hoexter Airfield
(c) Arnd Wöbbeking Hi all, today was the inauguration of the restored memorial stone for the 65 Corps Support Squadron at the airfield in Hoexter. It was very nice to see how much effort the people have made there to be a worthy anniversary! Was a honor to meet Sergeant Major Roger Thorrington, the leader of …
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