1965 – 1966 – 408 Bridge Tp – 40 Sqn – 26 RCT – Inside Bindon Barracks – by Graham Walker

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking

🇬🇧 Memories of Graham Walker 🇬🇧
1965 – 1966
408 Bridge Tp – 40 Sqn RCT – 26 RCT
Inside Bindon Barracks

Graham arrived in Hamelin at the 408 (Tp) Royal Engineers in late 1965 early 1966. However, as the troop did not have a suitable task for him, he was transferred to the 40 Coy of the 26 RCT. There, he found his calling in C-Troop and spent about five years in this unit, eventually rising to the rank of Corporal. After returning to England, he was discharged. Later, he found support from Blind Veterans UK (formerly St. Dunstans). With a heavy heart, he had to give up his great passion, driving, as a profession and enjoyed his well-deserved retirement. This series shows the photographs he was able to take inside Bindon Barracks.

Note from the admin: Sadly, Graham has since passed away. I will honor you and your pictures – thank you, my friend. Gone but not forgotten!

🇩🇪 Memories of Graham Walker 🇩🇪
1965 – 1966
408 Bridge Tp – 40 Sqn RCT – 26 RCT
Inside Bindon Barracks

Graham kam Ende 1965 Anfang 1966 nach Hameln zum 408 (Tp) Royal Engineers. Da der Troop jedoch keine passende Aufgabe für ihn hatte, wurde er zur 40 Coy des 26 RCT versetzt. Dort fand er im C-Troop seine Bestimmung und verbrachte etwa fünf Jahre in dieser Einheit, wo er es bis zum Corporal schaffte. Nach seiner Rückkehr nach England wurde er schließlich ausgemustert. Später fand er Unterstützung bei den Blind Veterans UK (früher St. Dunstans). Schweren Herzens musste er seine große Leidenschaft, das Fahren, als Beruf aufgeben und genoss seinen wohlverdienten Ruhestand. Diese Serie zeigt die Fotos die er innerhalb der Bindon Barracks machen konnte.

Hinweis vom Admin: Leider ist Graham inzwischen verstorben. Ich werde Dich und deine Bilder in Ehren halten – vielen Dank, mein Freund. Gone but not forgotten!

all photos © British Army in Hameln.com / Graham Walker

Last updated: Oktober 20, 2024 at 8:40 am

4 Kommentare

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    • Jeff Richardson on Oktober 30, 2022 at 10:55 pm
    • Antworten

    I remember ‘Yorkie” Taylor… I was in B Troop 40 sqn…. Mates with Nobby Clarke, Butty Smart., Baz Woods and more
    Jeff Richardson

    1. Brilliant, thanks for your entry here! Best regards Arnd

  1. Ref : Terry Marshall I am trying to catch a glimpse of the outside the gate wall mounted board that was painted in RASC colours with a RASC badge depicting the name of the column ( 10 Coy ) etc any chance?? PRE 1965

    • Terry Marshall on Oktober 1, 2017 at 4:04 pm
    • Antworten

    Terry Marshall
    I was with 26 reg RASC and 35 Sqadron RCT from 1964 until 1968 and have quite a few photos of that time that I would like to share

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