Arnd Wöbbeking

Hagenohsen, close to Hameln

If you have any more information, photos, document whatever, send to my email please. It is your chance to be an active part in the History of British Army in Hameln. All information is very welcome - thank you so much!

Die meisten Kommentare

  1. 1971/04/07 Formaiton of the 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment RE — 24 Kommentare
  2. 1959 – 125 COY RASC – Memories of John Benson — 20 Kommentare
  3. 1971 / 04 / 07 – 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment – RHQ-Troop at Bindon Barracks — 11 Kommentare
  4. Aerial configuration of Bindon Barracks from Jerry Lyden — 10 Kommentare
  5. 1962 – 1972 – 408 Bridge Troop RE – Memories of Roger Makin — 9 Kommentare

Author's posts

1959/08/01 – 1962/04/30 – PJ Martinson – Verbindungsoffizier – SLO

© Arnd Wöbbeking & DEWEZET A newspaper cut about the new Service Liaison Officer: Liste aller Verbindungsoffiziere / List of all SLO’s:

1959/05 – die Beziehungen werden besser…. – the relations are better…now!

(c) Dewezet & Arnd Wöbbeking Im Mai 1959 öffnete sich die englische Garnison zunehmend der deutschen Bevölkerung! Einen großen Anteil daran hatte unter anderem die Band of the Middlesex Regiment und das Regiment selber! Die Dewezet berichtete zuerst am 28.04.1959 über immer besser werdende Beziehungen zwischen Deutschen und Engländern in Hameln!  ++++ In May 1959 …

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1959/04/29 – British and Germans injured

(c) DEWEZET Leider gab es dieses Jahr einen weiteren Unfall!  ++++ Unfortunately, there was another accident this year! ++++ ++++ (Quelle Zeitungsartikel:  Mit freundl. Genehmigung © )

1959/03/11 – Auch Unfälle gab es leider…..

© Dewezet Leider gab es auch schon seit Anfang an Unfälle mit den britischen Truppen und der Bevölkerung. Dei DEWEZET berichtete am 11.03.1959 über einen solchen Unfall!  ++++ Unfortunately, since the beginning, there were already accidents with the British troops and the population. Dei DEWEZET reported on 03.11.1959 about such an accident! ++++ ++++ (Quelle …

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1955/05/05 – 1959/07/31 – J.Vaughan Verbindungsoffizier

© Arnd Wöbbeking Liste aller Verbindungsoffiziere / List of all SLO’s:

1951/10/31 – Die britische Garnison entwickelt sich zu einem Super Arbeitgeber…..

© British Army in / Arnd Wöbbeking In 1951, six years after the end of the war, the British garrison in Hamelin employed an incredible 650 GERMAN employees. However, these jobs were not yet very popular with the people of Hamelin, as the local newspaper wrote at the time, as they were considered so-called …

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1951/05/00 21 Field Engineer Regiment – 48 Field Squadron – 125 (Bridge) Coy

© British Army in / Arnd Wöbbeking The 21 Field Engineer Regiment, along with its squadrons, was stationed in Hameln for only a brief period. In October 1949, it was relocated from Holzminden to the town of the Pied Piper. The regiment included the 4th, 7th, and 27th Field Squadrons, as well as the …

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1950/05/18 – Soccer Game between 21 Fld Engr Rgt – HSC Hameln

© British Army in / Arnd Wöbbeking Sport is always part of the army, as we all know that sport keeps you physically and mentally fit. Even in the first years of the occupation, there were always sporting competitions between Hameln clubs and the teams of the British units that were stationed here. This …

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1949/12/03 – Request to the occupying power / Eine Bitte an den Stadtkommandanten…..

© Arnd Wöbbeking & DEWEZET Since the end of the war, numerous buildings in Hameln have been confiscated or newly constructed by the British occupying forces. To assist the German population, the then so-called Resident Officer, Colonel Bankart, offered that the newly built apartments could be rented. However, there was a catch: on the one …

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1949/03/01 – 1955/05/05 – Oberst Bankart – Residenzoffizier

© Arnd Wöbbeking Oberst Bankart, vorher 3 Jahre britischer Kommandant der Kreise Göttingen-Stadt und Land, Hannoversch Münden wird Kreisresidenzoffizier in Hameln. Insgesamt war Oberst Bankart von 01.03.1949 – 05.05.1955 in Hameln. +++ Oberst Bankart, formerly 3 years British commander of the districts of Göttingen-Stadt and Land, Hannoversch Münden becomes district rescue officer in Hameln. +++

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