1964 – 2014
Dates Location deployment under command: Sub-units – Remarks
Jun 1962 Germany: Roberts Bks, Osnabruck 25 Corps Engineer Regiment
Local comd only
Aug 1963 Renamed 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron
May 1964 Germany: Gordon Barracks, Hameln Independent
Apr 1970 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment 28 Amphibious Enginner Regiment formed,
based on 23 Aphibious Engineer Squadron
25 Oct 1978
22 Feb 1979Northern Ireland Tour:
BallykellyInfantry Role
Sep 1983
Feb 1984Northern Ireland Tour:
Bessbrook, Armagh. Omagh, Londonderry
OP DESCANTInfantry Role
Mar 1991
Oct 1991Northern Ireland Tour:
1992 Germany: Bindon Barracks, Hameln 28 Engineer Regiment Regiment renamed 28 Engineer Regiment
5 Sep 1993
10 Mar 1994Northern Ireland Tour:
Maze Prison / OP GRAPPLE
Apr 2000 Germany: Gordon Barracks, Hameln 28 Engineer Regiment
Mar 2001
Sep 2001Op DESCANT 28 Engineer Regiment
Oct 2003
Mar 2004Op DESCANT 28 Engineer Regiment
Oct 2006
Apr 2007Afghanistan: Op Herrick 5 28 Engineer Regiment
23 Amphibious Squadron
2008 Germany: Gordon Barracks, Hameln 28 Engineer Regiment
Oct 2009
Apr 2010Afghanistan: Op Herrick 11
June 2014 28 Engineer Regiment disbanded
June 2014 Germany, 75 Engineer Regiment 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron
23 Amphibious Engineer Troop
Special thanks to
Alan Young from British Army Units
who collected all these dates!
23 Amphibious River Crossing Cadre
In May 1962 1 Troop, 50 Field Squadron RE was reformed as 23 Amphibious River Crossing Cadre, equipped with seven French EWK-Gillois amphibious bridges for trials. The trials proved encouraging and the Cadre was expanded into 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron RE in 1963. However, in June 1962 information came to light that convinced Staff that the German M2 Amphibious Bridging and Ferry Equipment was more suited to British requirements. By 1964 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron RE was training with M2 rigs borrowed from the Bundeswehr (West German Army). In early 1970 sufficient modified M2B rigs were available for 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron RE to be divided into three troops each holding eight rigs. In April 1971 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment was formed with 23 Amphibious Engineers Squadron RE and two new squadrons – 64 and 73 Amphibious Engineer Squadron RE.
23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron RE
23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron provides the only wide wet-gap crossing capability in the British Army. The squadron is equipped with the German made M3 Amphibian, which can be used in varying numbers to construct either bridges or ferries up to Military Load Class 100. M3’s have been used on several major German rivers including the Weser, Rhine and Elbe as well as in Poland During the second Gulf War, they were used operationally for the first time on the Shatt Al Basrah waterway. Part of 28 Engineer Regiment in Hameln, Germany, the Squadron consists of 1 Troop, 2 Troop and 412 Amphibious Engineer Troop RE(V) giving one troop of M3 Amphibious bridging and ferrying equipment for each Brigade in the Division.
Although claiming existence as far back as 1798, the squadron started its present continuous service in 1855, when it was raised at Woolwich as 23rd Company, Royal Sappers and Miners. It was the first mounted unit of engineers and was known as Driver Troop, a nickname that is preserved to this day the Squadron Headquarters still proudly bears the title ‘Driver Troop’. The Company first saw active service service in the Crimea in 1855 where it stayed until sailing for China in 1857. It was however diverted en route to Calcutte on account of the Indian Mutiny, to fight at Cawnpore, Lucknow, Secunderabad and on the Nepal frontier, distinguishing itself as infantry, building floating bridges, demolishing forts and establishing signal communications. From India the company sailed in 1859 to canton in China and took part in the capture of the Taku Forts and Pekin, serving under Major Graham VC, in a division commanded by Major General Sir Robert Napier, himself a Sapper. On this tour it assisted General Gordon in the removal of the Royal Thron from the Emperor’s Summer Palace in Pekin. From 1861 to 1880, the Company served in Chatham, South Africa, Ireland and Portsmouth, until it became the Submarine Mining Depot Company at Chatham. Then in 1885 it became the 23rd Field Company RE at Aldershot, earning the nickname ‘The Black Horse’ from its celebrated black horse teams. Later it became known as the ‘Old Battery’, and now carries the twin badges of a gun and a black horse to commemorate these old nicknames. The Company saw more active service in Chatham and Ireland, until sailing for South Africa in 1899. There the Company suffered great privations but distinguished itself as the only RE Company in the siege of Ladysmith. Its tasks included building gun emplacements, erecting barbed wire, building concrete and suspension bridges, operating pontoon ferries, laying an electrical minefield and making roads. The Company then saw further active service in Transvaal, providing water supply and building block houses. The most distinguished action of the campaign took place at Wagon Hill in January 1900, where Lieutenant Digby Jones of the Company posthumously earned the Victoria Cross for his part in repelling a strong Boer attack. The sixth of January, the anniversary of his death, is still remembered by the Squadron each year. The period between the Boer War and the Great War was spent at Aldershot where the Company started its long association with the 1st Infantry division, serving with distinction until 1955. During this period of over forty years it was affiliated with the Guards Brigade, the senior brigade of the senior division in the Army, and went into action with the British Expeditionary forces of 1914 and 1939. The Company was in Flanders between 1914 and 1918. Within three weeks of the outbreak of the war, the company was in action building, and later demolishing, bridges in the retreat to the Marne, the battles of Loos, Cheluvelt and Ypres. Other work consisted of wiring, the construction of dugouts, mining and supporting the assaulting infantry. The years 1919 to 1939 saw the Company again at Aldershot, but parting with its black horses and being equipped with mechanised transport. After constructing defence works and laying mines in France in 1939, the Company fought in the withdrawl at Dunkirk, where it built a folding boat equipment bridge to assist the evacuation of the BEF in May 1940. Between 1940 and 1943 it built coastal defences in England, and worked with the First Army of the North Africa Campaign. In 1943 it fought in Tunisia and Pantelleria, and then landed in Italy. At Anzio in 1944, while fighting as infantry with the Scots Guards the Company was overun by the Germans and lost half its strength as casualties or prisoners. Finally it fought up to Rome and Florence, until the first division went to Palestine in 1945. The next ten years were spent in the Middle East, in Palestine, Egypt, Cyreniaca and Tripolitania, with works varying from normal Field Engineering to internal security, and from building to locust control. In 1949 the title of the Company changed to 23rd Field Squadron RE, when it became part of 22 Field Engineer Regiment. In 1957 the Squadron returned to England from Tripolitania and moved to Chiseldon Camp as part of 22 Field Engineer Regiment. The Middle East emergency of 1958 saw the Squadron once again on the move this time to Cyprus with the 1st Guards Brigade Group. A period of intense activity ensued with tasks varying from normal field engineering to internal security duties against EOKA. In December 1958 the Squadron returned to Chiseldon Camp as part of the Central Strategic Reserve and eventually as an integral unit of the 1st Guards Brigade Group. 1st Guards Brigade Group became 1st Infantry Brigade Group in 1960 and the Squadron, now 23rd Independent Field Squadron moved to Tidworth in November 1961 to join other units of the brigade. In 1952 the Squadron disbanded and was reformed as 23 Amphibious River Crossing Cadre. In this way the first British Amphibious Bridging Unit came into being. In August 1963 the Cadre was renamed 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron and was commanded by a Major for the first time in its present state. Since August 1963 the build has been continuous and the very small Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers element became 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron Workshop. In 1971, 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron then split into troops to form the nucleus of a 3 Squadron Amphibious Engineer Regiment, ie 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment. From 1971 to 2014, 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron has been involved on five tours of Northern Ireland in the period from 1978 to 2001, Bosnia during 1994 – 1995 and Kosovo in 1999. The Sqn also took delivery of the new M3 Rig (amphibious vehicle) over the period 1996 to 1999 which replaced the M2 Rig. The Squadron deployed with 28 Engineer Regiment in 2003 on Operation TELIC, the second Gulf War, where the M3 was used operationally for the first time at Crossing Point ‘Anna’ on the Shatt Al Basrah waterway. In 2014 the 28 Engineer Regiment was disbanded and the Squadron now is based in Minden, reduced to a Troop and renamed 23 Amphibious Engineer Troop RE.
1962-1964 – 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron – Memories of Joe Whiston
© Joe Whiston Vor einiger Zeit erreichten mich diese sagenhaften Bilder aus einer längst vergessenen Zeit. Joe Whiston, der vom May 1962 – April 1964 bei der 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron gewesen ist! Ein Mann der ersten Stunde, denn die Amphibien Fahrzeuge waren zuerst in Osnabrück stationiert und kamen erst 1963 nach Hameln! Diese Fotos schliessen auch wieder ein Lücke …
1967 – M2 Trials by 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron – Memories of Ritchie Smith
photos © Ritchie Smith text by Arnd Wöbbeking Some time ago I met a very wonderful person. Ritchie Smith his name, through and through a Royal Engineer. For 24 years he was in the service of his royal majesty. In September 1965 he started his army career in 23 Independet Amphibious Engineer Squadron, which was …
1968/09/26 – 1968/10/24 – EXERCISE „ETERNAL TRIANGLE“
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1968/09/26 – 1968/10/24 🇬🇧 EXERCISE „ETERNAL TRIANGLE“ An autumn exercise in the year I was born – there must have been a lot of crashing and rattling. Around 20,000 soldiers from Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands took part in the exercise, in which the …
1971/04/07 Formation of the 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment RE
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1971/04/07 🇬🇧 Establishment of the 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment RE April 7, 1971, was a memorable day in the history of the Hameln garrison. Since 1945, British troops have been stationed in the town of the Pied Piper, including three infantry regiments, though it has mainly …
1977 – Three legged horse sculpture – Memories of Alan Benyon
© Alan Benyon Alan bekam diese Pferdeskulptur von den Offizieren und den SNCO’s der 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron im Juli 1977 Danke das Du davon ein Foto für meine Website gemacht hast! — Alan get this horse from Officers and SNCO’s 23 Amph Engr Sqn in July 1977 Thanks for support my website with the photo …
1980 – 1982 – 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron – 2nd Tp – Memories of Steve Thompson
(c) Steve Thompson Steve served in 2nd Tp of 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron! Thanks for support, Steve! – Steve in 1981 – – Train station Hameln – This photo was taken at Rivercrossing Daspe-Hehlen. Today there ist bridge! – This photo was taken at Klostergut Hilwartshausen! – M2 Rigs – with the pied piper – …
1980 – 1982 – 23Amph Engr Sqn – 2nd Troop – M2 Rig At the Train Staion – 24BT94
This is the only picture I have of a M2 Rig on train! Thanks for that Steve Thompson!
1987 – 1992 – 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron – Memories of M. Hadfield – Part 1
(c) Mark Hadfield Mark Hadfield, diente von 1987-1992 im 2nd Troop / 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron Er war Crewman und Fahrer einer M2 Schnellschwimmbrücke. Hier ist der erste Teil seiner fotografischen Erinnerungen seiner Dienstzeit! Die Photos sind alle in der Nähe von Bremerhafen entstanden! Vielen Dank Mark für Deine Bilder! ++++ Mark Hadfield, served from …
1987 – 1992 – 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron – Memories of M. Hadfield – Part 2
(c) Mark Hadfield Auch die zweite Galerie von Mark jat einen hohen Erinnerungswert an die in Hameln stationierten Truppen! Beide Fotos wurden im Gundolph Park am Reimerdeskamp gemacht! ++++ The second gallery of mark has a high sentimental value to the troops stationed in Hamelin! The photos were taken at Gundolph Park! ++++
1987 – 1992 – 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron – Memories of M. Hadfield – Part 3
(c) Mark Hadfield Diese Bilder von Mark wurden alle im Upnor Camp an der Fischbecker Landstraße gemacht! These pictures of mark were made all in Upnor Camp on the Fischbecker Landstraße! +++ +++
1987 – 1992 – 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron – Memories of M. Hadfield – Part 4
(c) Mark Hadfield Auch die vierte Gallerie von Mark wurde an einem Ort gemacht, der viele große und kleine Manöver der Hamelner Truppen gesehen hat! ++++ Also the fourth Gallery of mark was made in a place, who has seen many large and small maneuvers of HAMELN troops! ++++ ++++
1987 – 1992 – 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron – Memories of M. Hadfield – Part 5
(c) Mark Hadfield Die fünfte Galerie enthält verschiedene Photos an verschiedenen Plätzen! Supererinnerungen darum vielen Dank an Mark, das ermir seine Photos zur Verfügung gestellt hat! — The fifth Gallery contains various pictures at different places! Super memories thanks to mark that he made his photos available for my website! —
1987-1992 – 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron – Memories of Lee Evans
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 Memories of Lee Evans 🇬🇧 1987 – July 1992 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment RE / 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron RE I was given a fantastic collection of pictures from Lee Evans, who was stationed in Hamelin during the period mentioned above. He captured an impressive …
1987/10/12 – 1987/10/22 – EXERCISE “KEYSTONE”
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1987/10/12 – 1987/10/22 🇬🇧 EXERCISE “KEYSTONE” In September 1987, a large-scale military exercise named “Keystone 87” took place under the command of the 2nd (UK) Infantry Division. Units of infantry brought in from the British Isles were tasked with seizing the western bank of the River …
1988/11/01 – 1988/11/27 – EXERCISE “IRON HAMMER” – Photos by Jeremy Retford
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1988.11.01 – 1988.11.27 🇬🇧 EXERCISE “IRON HAMMER” Memories by Jeremy Retford In 1988, Jeremy joined the Procurement Team at the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) in London. There, he took responsibility for the M2D Dvhnrlldvhimm bridge, a proven amphibious vehicle, as well as the M3 Rapid Floating …
1989 – 1994 – 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron – Memories of David Ewing Pt.2
Drei weitere Photos von David Ewing! Das erste zeigt ihn selber, Three more photos by David Ewing! The first one shows himself, das zweite zeigt ein Mannschaftszelt des 23 Amphibious Engineers Regiments aufgenommen bei einem Manöver in Speyer! the second is a team tent of 23 Amphibious Engineer Regiment taken at Speyer! Das letzte Foto …
1989 – 1994 – 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron – Memories of David Ewing Trials at Ohr Park
© David Ewing Beeindruckende Fotos vom Ohr Park. Zu beachten dabei ist ein Chieftain auf M3 Fähren! Aufgrund eines anderen Photo welches ich von David erhalten habe, gehe ich davon aus das die M3 Fähren, die gerade den Chieftain Kampfpanzer übersetzen, Prototypen sind! David war von 1989 bis 1994 in der 23 Amphibious Squadron! U.a. als Fahrer …
1990/03/20 – Memories of David Ewing – Special one Pt.1!
(c) David Ewing Ein tolles Gruppenfoto der 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron habe ich von David Ewing erhalten! Es wurde aufgenommen am 20.03.1990 auf dem Wasserübungsplatz Upnor an der Fischbecker Straße! Vielen Dank für das Photo David! — A great group photo of the 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron I have received from David Ewing! It was …
1992 – 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron – Memories by Paul Wilson
© Paul Wilson Ein paar schöne Photos von Paul Wilson aus Speyer, als er mit der 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron während seiner Dienstzeit dort unten gewesen ist! Er ist sich nicht ganz sicher, aber er meint die Bilder sind von 1992. Vielen Dank dafür! +++ Some great photos from Speyer of the 23rd Amphibious Engineer …
1995/07/05 – 1995/07/11 – EXERCISE “MISSILE CROSSING” – photos by Cheeseman
© Till Cheeseman Herzlichen Dank an Till für Deine Photos von dieser kleinen aber feinen Übung! — Thanks to Till for your photos of this small but fine exercise! —
1995/10/17 – 1995/10/27 – EXERCISE “NEPTUNES ENDEAVOUR” – Photo by E.Uhde
© Eckhard Uhde Ich habe heute ein paar Fotos aus dem Oktober 1995 zusammengestellt. Unter der Bezeichnung “Neptunes Endeavour” übte das 28. (UK) Engineer Regiment aus Hameln gemeinsam mit Teilen des (GE) Pio Btl 130 aus Minden. Beide Einheiten pflegen seit 1972 eine Partnerschaft miteinander. Die 3./130 hatte eine Faltschmimmbrücke errichtet, parallel dazu nahmen die 28. Engineers …
1995/10/17 – 1995/10/27 – EXERCISE “NEPTUNES ENDEAVOUR” – Photos and Programm by Gert Burkert-Opitz
© Gert Burkert-Opitz On 24 October 1995, this training exercise took place on the water training area in Windsheim / Jössen near Petershagen! The exercise served, inter alia, to strengthen the communion between the heavy Pionierbatallion 130 from Minden and the 28 Engineer Regiment from Hameln! Also present were, inter alia, Queens Royal Lancers from …
1996/03/22 – 1996/03/29 – EXERCISE “NEPTUNES VISION”
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1996/03/22 – 1996/03/29 🇬🇧 EXERCISE “NEPTUNE’S VISION” 28 Engineer Regiment RE / 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron RE Final Exercise with M2 – Photos by E. Uhde In March 1996, the 28 Engineer Regiment embarked on an exercise that would go down in history as the last …
1996/12/01 – 1996/12/04 – EXERCISE “NEPTUNES FROST”
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1996/12/01 – 1996/12/04 🇬🇧 EXERCISE “NEPTUNE’S FROST“ Official handover of M3 vehicles to the 28 Engineer Regiment From 1 to 4 December 1996, Exercise “NEPTUNE’S FROST” took place in and around Hameln. This exercise marked a turning point for the regiment, as it was officially equipped …
1997/07/07 – 1997/07/18 – EXERCISE “NEPTUNES PRECISION”
© Andreas Warnecke Andreas Warnecke war damals vor Ort und hat die Amphibious Engineers in beeindruckenden Bildern festgehalten. Diese Aufnahmen entstanden alle auf dem Wasserübungsplatz der Bundeswehr in Holzminden. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an Andreas, dass ich seine Fotos hier präsentieren darf! Weitere Details zur Übung entnehmt ihr bitte der Tabelle. 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 Andreas Warnecke was on …
1997/12/03 – Partnership 97 – 20th anniversary 28 Engineer Regiment and sPioBtl.130
© Arnd Wöbbeking and Eckhard Uhde In 1977, a partnership was launched to improve the level of education and quality of training at the M2 vehicles of the amphibious troop. It involved the 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment RE from Hameln and the heavy Pioneer Battalion 130 of the Bundeswehr from Minden. During the maneuver Neptunes Trident …
1999.08.26 – New commander of the 28 Engineer Regiment
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1999/08/26 🇬🇧 New commander of the 28 Engineer Regiment On August 26, 1999, the command of the 28th Engineer Regiment changed hands. Exactly 25 years ago, John Mullin, an Englishman, handed over command to his successor, Andrew Mills, a Scotsman. The local Newspaper „Deister- und Weserzeitung“ …
2002/11/10 – EXERCISE at Upnor Camp – 23 Amph Engr Sqn with PzBtl.33
© filmed by Rainer Preuß Im November 2002 übte die 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron des 28 Engineer Regiments auf dem Übungsplatz Upnor an der Fischbecker Landstraße in Hameln zusammen mit Teilen des PzBtl.33 der Bundeswehr! Zum Glück war mein Freund Rainer Preuß, der jahrelang für die Britische Armee in Hameln gearbeitet hat dabei und konnte …
2004/11/10 – M3 Trials at Wouldham Camp
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 2004/11/14-18 🇬🇧 M3 Trials at Wouldham Camp In November 2004, the icy autumn air over Hameln echoed with the rumble of heavy engines as the 28 Engineer Regiment and C Squadron of the Queen’s Royal Hussars prepared for a unique challenge. During an exercise at Wouldham …
2007/04/30 – 2007/05/02 – EXERCISE “BLACK HORSE”
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 2007/05/02 🇬🇧 EXERCISE „BLACK HORSE“ It is widely known that the Royal Engineers from Hameln do not conduct exercises solely in the Hameln area. In May 2007, for instance, a unit of 80 personnel from the 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron RE, along with 10 amphibious ferry …
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 2008/09/16 🇬🇧 „SCHWARZE MAMBA“ / „NEPTUNES EAGLE“ Amid the picturesque landscape surrounding the Weser, the week in September 2008 saw a hive of activity: The 28th Engineer Regiment from Hameln conducted their spectacular exercise, “Neptune’s Eagle.” Simultaneously, the Panzerpionierbataillon 1 from Holzminden relocated via a long …
2010/06/04 – Crewmens Course at Upnor
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 2010/06/04 – Crewmens Course at Upnor 🇬🇧 28 Engineer Regiment 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron / 412 (V) Tp These impressive images were taken by Sebastian Kreutzkamp, who had the opportunity to participate in this training! Invited by the British troops, Sebastian even had the chance to …
2010/10/01 – Crewmens Course at Ohr Park
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 2010/10/01 – Crewmens Course at Ohr Park 🇬🇧 28 Engineer Regiment RE / 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron RE On 1st October 2010, I received a call that set my heart racing: M3 ferries had been spotted in Ohr! Without hesitation, I grabbed my camera – who …
2011/10/13 – EXERCISE “NEPTUNES EAGLE” – 28 Engineer Regiment on the train
© Marc I’m really happy to have these photos on my page. All were taken by Marc. They are showing the 28 Engineer Regiment on the way to the Exercise Neptunes Eagle at the Train station in Hameln. +++ Auch diesen hervorragend Galerie habe ich meinem Freund Marc zu verdanken! Das 28 Engineer Regiment verlegt per Bahn in …
2014/05/22 – M3 Rigs in the Weser Sluice – by Dave Meredith
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 2014/05/22 – M3 Ferries in the Weser Lock 🇬🇧 The British Armed Forces in Hameln have also frequently used the lock in the past, although unfortunately, there are few photographs documenting this. Therefore, I am especially pleased that Dave Meredith has shared his pictures with me, …
2014/06/11 – 23 AMPH ENGR SQN said “Goodbye Hameln”
(c) Arnd Wöbbeking Am 11.06.2014 feierten einige Offiziere der 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron den Abschied aus Hameln im Me Lounge! Dazu wurden Sie von 2 M3 Fähren und einem Sicherungsboot vom Wouldham Camp an die Kaimauer in der Nähe des Me Lounge gebracht! Durch eine nette Information konnte ich dabei sein und diesen Moment im …
2014/08/01 – Gedenken an die Schlacht von Minden – 23 Amph Engr SQN renamed
© Stephen Porteous Gestern am 01.08.2014 wurde in Minden, der neuen Heimat der 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron, der Schlacht zu Minden gedacht. Zugleich wurde die 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron umbenannt in 23 Amphibious Engineer Troop, das sie nun für die nächsten drei Jahre selbstständig in Minden stationiert sind! Stephen Porteous war dabei und brachte folgende …
2017 / 11 / 27 – 2017 / 11 / 30 EXERCISE FULL THROTTLE – 40th Anniversary of the British and German Amphibious Capability
© Arnd Wöbbeking Artlenburg, a small town on the banks of the Elbe. Historically documented is this place with its ford over the Elbe since the first century. The Romans use this transition as do many after them. The salt road leads along here and the Ertheneburg on the east side secured the ford against …
23 Amph Engr Sqn – Memories of Alan Todd – Pt.1
Diese Bilder von Alan Todd enstanden alle am Übungsplatz der Bundeswehr in Windheim / Jössen, in der Nähe von Petershagen! Vielen Dank für die Bilder Alan! — These pictures of Alan Todd were all taken on the practice place of German Army in Windsheim / Jössen, located near Petershagen! Thank you for the pictures Alan! …
23 Amph Engr Sqn – Memories of David Hiddleston
© David Hiddleston Fantastische Galerie von David Hiddleston! Danke für die Unterstützung! ++++ Fantastic Gallery from David Hiddleston! Thanks for support! ++++ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ …
23 Amph Engr Sqn – Memories of Alan Todd – Pt.2
Diese Bilder sind alle in Ohr entstanden! Auch hierfür herzlichen Dank an Alan! — These images are all taken at Ohr Park! Thanks also to Alan! —
23 Amph Engr Sqn – Memories of Alan Todd – Pt.3
Und hier die letzte Galerie von Alan! Here comes the last part from Alan! — Auf Übung mit der Bundeswehr! On Exercise with German Army! – – Gundolph Park — Scharnhorst Kaserne / Bindon Barracks
23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron
(c) Joe Geekie I was with 23 and i was a member of scrotum. Which the lads involved will know what i mean! ++++ ++++ GROSSENWIEDEN ++++ ++++ KLOSTERGUT HILWARTSHAUSEN ++++ ++++ ++++ Hehlen – Daspe ++++ ++++ Upnor Camp Hameln ++++ ++++ Joe at BINDON BARRACKS! ++++ —
23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron – 2nd Tp – Eberbach – M.Fletcher
(c) Martin Fletcher Diese Bilder stammen von Martin Fletcher! Sie zeigen das nicht nur militärische Angelegenheiten wichtig waren für die hier in Hameln stationierten Truppen! Seit 1972 fuhren die Engineers aus Hameln nach Eberbach. Der kontakt wurde durch den Eberbacher Unternehmer Kai Rohde! Die Soldaten der Hamelner Einheiten leisteten viel für die Umgebung in Eberbach. …
23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron – 2nd Tp – M.Fletcher – HGB Built
(c) Martin Fletcher Auch diese Photos habe ich von Martin Fletcher erhalten! Recht seltene Aufnahme aus dem Ravelin Camp in Hameln! Vielen Dank dafür! – These rare photos sent in from Martin Fletcher! They show HGB building at Ravelin Camp! Thanks for support my website Martin! — +++
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