Arnd Wöbbeking

Hagenohsen, close to Hameln

If you have any more information, photos, document whatever, send to my email please. It is your chance to be an active part in the History of British Army in Hameln. All information is very welcome - thank you so much!

Die meisten Kommentare

  1. 1971/04/07 Formaiton of the 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment RE — 24 Kommentare
  2. 1959 – 125 COY RASC – Memories of John Benson — 20 Kommentare
  3. 1971 / 04 / 07 – 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment – RHQ-Troop at Bindon Barracks — 11 Kommentare
  4. Aerial configuration of Bindon Barracks from Jerry Lyden — 10 Kommentare
  5. 1962 – 1972 – 408 Bridge Troop RE – Memories of Roger Makin — 9 Kommentare

Author's posts

65 Corps Support Squadron WkSp REME – Wall Plaque

1978/10/09 – Garrison Church of the Holy Nativity Hameln – First Day Cover

25th Anniversary of the Garrison Church of the Holy Nativity Hameln 9 October 1978 25th Anniversary of the Garrison Church of the Holy Nativity Hameln Commemorative Cover Stamps: 9ᵖ “State Coach” commemorative, issued 31 May 1978. Special Handstamp: 25th Anniversary of the Garrison Church of the Holy Nativity, Hameln 1953 – 1978, BFPS 1628, 9 …

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1973/05/23 – EXERCISE “MAKEFAST XXI” – First Day Cover

  RE Special Cover: 23 May 1973 Exercise Makefast XXI Commemorative Cover Stamps: 3ᵖ Machin definitive, ultramarine. Special Handstamp: Exercise Makefast XXI, Hameln, BFPS 1360, silhouette representing the German town of Hameln in the centre. Back of Envelope showing the Emblem of Hameln. Thanks for information to Darrell Drury from  

2013/07/23 – Germans Get a Taste of Life as Sappers

British Forces News

1995/07/05 – 1995/07/11 – EXERCISE “MISSILE CROSSING” – photos by Cheeseman

© Till Cheeseman Herzlichen Dank an Till für Deine Photos von dieser kleinen aber feinen Übung! — Thanks to Till for your photos of this small but fine exercise! —

2013/07/06 – Open Day at Wouldham Park – by JJ

© by JJ Der Tag der offenen Tür vom 28 Engineer Regiment in Hameln ist bekannt für seine Familienfreundlichkeit! Militärische Aktionen sind eher spärlich gesäht. Es wurde auch in den vergangenen Jahren sehr viel Wert auf Vielseitigkeit gelegt! So zeigen es auch die Bilder von Jan, die er mir freundlicherweise zur Verfügung gestellt hat! Vielen Dank …

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1971 Engineers im Ith

Photos and Documents by Lars DeVries Soeben habe ich von Lars einen Ausschitt bekommen, der zwei Gesichter zeigt. Vielleicht kann sich ja jemand an diese beiden erinnern! — Just now, I’ve got a cutout by Lars showing two faces. Perhaps someone can remember these two!    

2013/07/06 – Freedom of the City – 42 Field Squadron RE disbanded

© Arnd Wöbbeking Today on 06.07.2013 was a sad day in Hamelin! The 42 Field Squadron RE was disbanded with a ceremony and a March through the city! The parade was led by the band of the Royal Irish Regiment. I have here brought you a little selection on photos: ++ Heute am 06.07.2013 war ein trauriger Tag …

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2013/07/06 – 42 Field Squadron’s Final March

British Forces News Am 08.07.2013 wurde dieser Film gesendet! Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Adam Waters / BFBS! / Courtesy of Adam Waters / BFBS!

2013/07/06 – Open Day at Wouldham Park

© by Arnd Wöbbeking Today was maybe the last “open day” at Wouldham camp! As every year the soldiers made a great family party from the ‘open day’! These events will be missed when they leave the town! +++ Heute war der vielleicht letzte “Open Day” im Wouldham Camp! Wie jedes Jahr haben sich die Soldaten super …

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1968 EXERCISE “AUTUMN SPLASH” – Ohr Park – Memories of Robert “Jonah” Jonas

Die folgenden Bilder entstanden im September 1968 während des Manövers “Autumn Splash”!. Sie wurden mir zur Verfügung gestellt von Robert (Jonah) Jones 1st Bn The Royal Sussex Regt- 3rd Bn The Queen’s Regt!  — The following images were taken in September 1968 during the Exercise “Autumn Splash”!. They were made me available by Robert (Jonah) …

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1961-1962 – 5th Fld Sqn – Bridgebuilding at Ohr Park – Memories of Hank Lawrence

© Hank Lawrence This Squadron was stationed in Hameln under the command of the 23 Field Engineer Regiment in the years 1949-1950. Hank Lawrence was some time later with this unit. The 5th Field Squadron RE remained faithful to Hameln. After the transfer to Napier Barracks Dortmund, they always came back to their bridgecamps in …

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2013/07/05 – Beating the Retreat 42 Squadron Disbandment – Video

© Video by Rainer Preuß Am 05.07.2013 filmte Rainer Preuß dieses Veranstaltung im Bürgergarten Hameln! Thanks Rainer for the video clip!

1965 EXERCISE “RHINE WINE” – Memories of Tony Smith

— 29-fld-sqn-ex-rhine-wine-24-aug-1965-busy-morning-on-ther-rhine — 29-fld-sqn-ex-rhine-wine-24-aug-1965-our-accommodation — 29-fld-sqn-ex-rhine-wine-24-aug-1965-pals-on-us-crane — 29-fld-sqn-ex-rhine-wine-24-aug-1965 — 29-fld-sqn-ex-rhine-wine-sat-28-august-1965-geordie-rowntree — 29-fld-sqn-ex-rhine-wine-sat-28-august-1965-tony-smith — 29-fld-sqn-ex-rhine-wine-sun-29-august-1965-cruising-up-to-worms-for-the-day — 29-fld-sqn-ex-rhine-wine-sun-29-august-1965-on-the-way-to-worms

35 Engr Regt – WkSp – Wall Plaque

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