Arnd Wöbbeking

Hagenohsen, close to Hameln

If you have any more information, photos, document whatever, send to my email please. It is your chance to be an active part in the History of British Army in Hameln. All information is very welcome - thank you so much!

Die meisten Kommentare

  1. 1971/04/07 Formaiton of the 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment RE — 24 Kommentare
  2. 1959 – 125 COY RASC – Memories of John Benson — 20 Kommentare
  3. 1971 / 04 / 07 – 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment – RHQ-Troop at Bindon Barracks — 11 Kommentare
  4. Aerial configuration of Bindon Barracks from Jerry Lyden — 10 Kommentare
  5. 1962 – 1972 – 408 Bridge Troop RE – Memories of Roger Makin — 9 Kommentare

Author's posts

1995 Open Day at Wouldham by Rainer Preuss

© Rainer Preuss Rainer hat in seinem Archiv noch ein paar Bilder vom Tag der offenen Tür aus dem Wouldham Camp gefunden, vielen Dank dafür! +++ Rainer found a few pictures of the Open Day from Wouldham Camp in his archive, thank you for that! +++

Aerial configuration of Bindon Barracks from Jerry Lyden

(c) Jerry Lyden / Arnd Wöbbeking Jerry Lyden war in Hameln beim 26 Royal Corps of Transport! Aus seiner Erinnerung heraus schrieb er mir eine Skizze, welches Gebäude der Bindon Barracks (Scharnhorst Kaserne), welche Verwendung hatte zu seiner Zeit hier in Hameln!  ++++ Jerry Lyden was in Hameln with the 26 RCT! From his memory …

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1992/11/03 – RE Games MGB Competition

© 35 & 28 Engineer Regiment Long time ago I posted an article here on the page…. lots to do… but now I got a brilliant booklet about the MGB Competition in Hameln! Rainer Preuss sent in the paper, many thanks for Support! Does someone know more about, maybe the results? Schon lange her, das …

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1979 / 03 / 26 – 1979 / 04 / 07 – Bridging the Weser – Exercise „RHINO EM”

© Steve Lewis 1979  Bridging the Weser – Exercise „RHINO EM” Some month ago I got some incredible photos from Henk Mulder, a dutch soldier who took part at in an Exercise with the name “Rhino EM”. Now, I got some additional photos from Steve Lewis. He was based in Hameln with 64 Amphibious Engineers …

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1974-1975 Airfield Construction by 65 Corps Support Squadron

© Arnd Wöbbeking, Roger Thorington, Airfied Höxter Brenkhausen 2015 marks the 40th anniversary of the opening of the Höxter-Brenkhausen airfield. At that time, I was able to help Mr. Horn to renew the memorial stone for the 65 Corps Support Squadron. This year in Hamelin, some of these squadron members met again to celebrate a …

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1971/04/07 Formaiton of the 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment RE

© British Army in / Arnd Wöbbeking April 7, 1971, was a memorable day in the history of the Hameln garrison. Since 1945, British troops have been stationed in the town of the Pied Piper, including three infantry regiments, though it has mainly been soldiers of the Royal Engineers. Hameln offered these pioneer units …

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1964 – 1965_03_04 Earthmoving by Royal Engineers

© Arnd Wöbbeking & DEWEZET Hameln 1963 – 1964 The Plinkesche gravel pit near Breslauer Allee caused some trouble in the 1960s. Unauthorized debris and rubbish heaps piled up and something had to happen. The haulage contractor Wilhelm Schmale was in favor at the time to restore this area to a respectable condition. In collaboration …

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1982 / 03 / 26 – We will remember Sapper “Rosie” Rose – ✝

© Dewezet & Arnd Wöbbeking In Memoriam Among other things, the tasks of the Royal Engineers from Hameln consisted of blowing up explosives. In war time, they had to destroy the Weser bridges to prevent a fast move of the Warsaw Pact troops. In many exercises this was part of the scenarios. But also on …

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Another piece of British History in Hameln …

Last year in October the Royal British Legion Hameln Branch was disbanded. In the last three month the members of the RBL talked about, what is to do with the Standard. Normally the Standard will be layed to rest in a church, but they decided to hand over the Standard to the local museum of …

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2017 / 11 / 27 – 2017 / 11 / 30 EXERCISE FULL THROTTLE – 40th Anniversary of the British and German Amphibious Capability

© Arnd Wöbbeking Artlenburg, a small town on the banks of the Elbe. Historically documented is this place with its ford over the Elbe since the first century. The Romans use this transition as do many after them. The salt road leads along here and the Ertheneburg on the east side secured the ford against …

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1979 / 03 / 26 – 1979 / 04 / 07 – EXERCISE / OEFENING “RHINO EM”

© Henk Mulder March / April 1979 – 9800 men of the 1st (NL) Corps practiced under the name “RHINO EM” in Germany. Specially also in the district of Hameln-Pyrmont. And how could it be any different, the Amphibious Engineers of Hameln were also involved. They ferried the troops from Netherland save over the river …

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2017 / 09 / 12 – Blood and Sand, the Colours of the Middlesex Regiment

© Arnd Wöbbeking   Blood & Sand, the colors of the Middlesex regiment were once again blowing through the Linsingen Barracks at Süntelstraße in Hameln +++ Blood & Sand, die Farben des Middlesex Regiments wehten noch einmal durch die Linsingen Kaserne an der Süntelstraße in Hameln. It was 51 years since Ray Shave and Brian …

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1967 – M2 Trials by 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron – Memories of Ritchie Smith

photos © Ritchie Smith text by Arnd Wöbbeking Some time ago I met a very wonderful person. Ritchie Smith his name, through and through a Royal Engineer. For 24 years he was in the service of his royal majesty. In September 1965 he started his army career in 23 Independet Amphibious Engineer Squadron, which was …

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© Soldier Magazin – Text by Mike Starke – Photos by Martin Adam A blast from the past…… Exercise Swordfish took part in 1972 around Hameln, Holzminden, Hannoversch Münden! Found the issue of Soldier Magazin in my archive. Leading unit was the 12th Mechanized Brigade! But read the great article of the Soldier Magazine about the …

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1964/05/01 – CINEMA PROGRAM – Kino Programm

© David Smith & Arnd Wöbbeking Just a short report today….. David Smith 29 Field Squadron RE loved to go with his lovely wife to the Globe Cinema in Hameln during his time here. He found today one of the programs. Very cool an rare document. Thanks a lot David!  Heute gibt es nur einen …

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