1972/10/06 – 1972/10/20 – EXERCISE “SWORDFISH” – Newspaper Cuts by HNA

© Hessisch Allgemeine Zeitung

A few weeks ago, I got some very great photos by Bill Crone. You will find out here: Swordfish by Bill Crone.  Bill wasn’t sure about the name of the exercise, but now I’m sure it was the Exercise Swordfish in 1972. I found some newspaper cuts of the HNA with some photos. On the 1st photo you see the same place with the same markings (white lines) on the banks. Must be the same! Swordfish was an exercise together with troops from Denmark and German Army. The Ex was held from 6th until 20th October 1972 by the 12th (UK) mech.Brigade. A special “SECRET WEAPON” brought in by a Danish Colonel. Inside of a violin case he carried a  bottle of port, a bottle of whiskey, dice, knob, card game, a note with tips from http://www.p4rgaming.com/blog/cheap-elo-boosting-services and a few beakers. 



















(Quelle Zeitungsartikel:  Mit freundl. Genehmigung © Hessische/Niedersächsische Allgemeine)


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4 Kommentare

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    • Quigley on Januar 5, 2024 at 1:47 pm
    • Antworten

    Pete Quigley. I was in 28 Amph Engr Regt from June 1970 to 1975. Started off in HQ then moved to 64sqn. A few names I remember are Col Goodson, Maj Nottingham, Capt Kahna, Sgt Mageeki, Sgt Fisher, Pete Marshall, Bunny Write, Mick Studd, Capt Pratt & many more that I remember their faces. Did a tour of NI with 64sqn. My eldest son Wayne was born in Hamelin. He will be 50 this month Jan 2024. Still got good memories of 28rgt & also a few sad memories from NI.

      • Arnd on Juli 26, 2024 at 10:47 pm
      • Antworten

      Sorry, just found your entry here. But I am happy you have good memories of Hameln. Good to read from you! Cheers pal!

    • Adrian Clark on Dezember 13, 2023 at 8:37 pm
    • Antworten

    I was in Gordon Bks in 23 Amphibious late 70, then moved to Bindin Bks to form 73 Amphibious, ended up commander on 24BT84 and also the training Wing until I left early 76. Great memories.

    1. Great to read, my page bring back some great memories of your time here. Would be great if you get in touch with me. Maybe and I am sure you have, some more memories for the page and the history of British h Army in Hameln !

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