28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment Workshop REME

© www.british-army-in-hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking

© www.british-army-in-hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking

1971 – 1992

🇬🇧 Don Allen wrote: 🇬🇧

The shield shown here of 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment Workshop REME was designed at the request of the Commanding Officer, as a project, by me in 1977. I was, then, Artificer Staff Sergeant Don Allen REME. It shows the M2 Amphibious Rig above the Pied Piper, separated by the REME colours, blue, yellow and red. To the left is the spearhead of 1st Corps Troops and the right the Trident of 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment RE. There had not been a unit shield for the workshop until then and later my design was used for a number of other army units including 6 Armoured Workshop REME in Munster.

Thanks Don Allen for your great information about your designed Sign!

🇩🇪 Don Allen schrieb: 🇩🇪

Das hier gezeigte Schild des 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment Workshop REME wurde 1977 auf Anfrage des kommandierenden Offiziers als Projekt von mir entworfen. Ich war damals Artificer Staff Sergeant Don Allen REME. Es zeigt das M2 Amphibious Fahrzeug über dem Rattenfänger, getrennt durch die REME-Farben Blau, Gelb und Rot. Links ist die Speerspitze der Truppen des 1. Korps und rechts der Dreizack des 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment RE. Bis dahin hatte es kein Einheitsschild für die Werkstatt gegeben und später wurde mein Entwurf für eine Reihe anderer Armeeeinheiten verwendet, darunter auch für das
6 Armoured Workshop REME in Munster.

Danke, Don Allen, für Deine tollen Informationen über das von Dir designte Wappen!

Commanding Officer - 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment WkSp REME
September 1970 - July 1973MAJORPM MCGUINESS MBE
July 1973 - Sepember 1974
September 1974 - October 1976
November 1976 - May 1979MAJORROMACDONALD
May 1979 - May 1981MAJORPEBROAD
May 1981 - May 1983MAJORRGOWEN
May 1983 - March 1985
March 1985 - January 1987
January 1987 - December 1988MAJORAETOPP
December 1988 - December 1990
January 1991 - July 1992


1972/06 – Bridging the Rhine – 64 Amphibious Engineer Squadron – Memories of Thomas Dick

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧1972/06 – Bridging the Rhine 🇬🇧 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment 64 Amphibious Engineer Squadron Memories by Thomas Dick A few years ago, Thomas Dick sent me a collection of remarkable photos from his time. I’ve finally found the opportunity to share them with you here on my …

1988/11/01 – 1988/11/27 – EXERCISE “IRON HAMMER” – Photos by Jeremy Retford

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1988.11.01 – 1988.11.27 🇬🇧 EXERCISE “IRON HAMMER” Memories by Jeremy Retford   In 1988, Jeremy joined the Procurement Team at the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) in London. There, he took responsibility for the M2D Dvhnrlldvhimm bridge, a proven amphibious vehicle, as well as the M3 Rapid Floating …

1977-1978 – 64 Amphibious Engineer Squadron – Memories of Andy Rickett

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1977-1978 🇬🇧 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment 64 Amphibious Engineer Squadron Memories of Andy Rickett Andy Rickett sent me this photo from his time with the 64 Amphibious Engineer Squadron. It was taken in either 1977 or 1978 and tells a story far beyond the image itself. …

1971/04/07 Formation of the 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment RE

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1971/04/07 🇬🇧 Establishment of the 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment RE April 7, 1971, was a memorable day in the history of the Hameln garrison. Since 1945, British troops have been stationed in the town of the Pied Piper, including three infantry regiments, though it has mainly …

1984/06/23 – 1984/06/30 – 700 Jahre Rattenfänger – 28 Amphibious Engineer REME Wksp – Memories of Ian Draper

© Arnd Wöbbeking & Ian Draper In 1984 the town of hamelin celebrated the 700th anniversary gf the Pied Piper legend. Of course the city were supported by the British Troops. So also from 28 Amphibious Engineer REME Wksp .The Wksp organized in the town square an action with plenty of water! A soldier sat …

1987/10/12 – 1987/10/22 – EXERCISE “KEYSTONE”

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1987/10/12 – 1987/10/22 🇬🇧 EXERCISE “KEYSTONE” In September 1987, a large-scale military exercise named “Keystone 87” took place under the command of the 2nd (UK) Infantry Division. Units of infantry brought in from the British Isles were tasked with seizing the western bank of the River …

1979/03/26 – 1979/04/07 – Bridging the Weser – Exercise „RHINO EM”

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1979/03/26 – 1979/04/07 – EXERCISE / OEFENING “RHINO EM”

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1972/10/06 – 1972/10/20 – EXERCISE “SWORDFISH” – Newspaper Cuts by HNA

© Hessisch Allgemeine Zeitung A few weeks ago, I got some very great photos by Bill Crone. You will find out here: Swordfish by Bill Crone.  Bill wasn’t sure about the name of the exercise, but now I’m sure it was the Exercise Swordfish in 1972. I found some newspaper cuts of the HNA with some photos. …


© Soldier Magazin – Text by Mike Starke – Photos by Martin Adam A blast from the past…… Exercise Swordfish took part in 1972 around Hameln, Holzminden, Hannoversch Münden! Found the issue of Soldier Magazin in my archive. Leading unit was the 12th Mechanized Brigade! But read the great article of the Soldier Magazine about the …

1972/10/06 – 1972/10/20 – EXERCISE “SWORDFISH” – Newspaper Cuts by HNA

© Hessisch Allgemeine Zeitung A few weeks ago, I got some very great photos by Bill Crone. You will find out here: Swordfish by Bill Crone.  Bill wasn’t sure about the name of the exercise, but now I’m sure it was the Exercise Swordfish in 1972. I found some newspaper cuts of the HNA with some photos. …

1971/09/24 – 1971/10/02 – EXERCISE “FOREFRONT VI”

© Arnd Wöbbeking & Dewezet Forefront VI – a giant – exercise in October 1971! Planned were nearly 12,000 soldiers of the British, German and Danish army! Ultimately, it was then 20,000! Especially here in the district of Hamelin-Pyrmont raged the maneuver through the woods and fields! Also the newly, in Hameln founded 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment, …

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