Tag: Britische Besatzungszone

1947/48 – Hameln Garrison Rugby-Union Football Team

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking &  © Sapper Magazin / Archiv John Lonsdale Rugby and football were and still are the most popular sports among the English troops. On Friday I met John Lonsdale at a celebration of the Royal British Legion in Hamelin. He gave me an article from Sapper Magazine …

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1958/01/03 Children’s festival in the Pipers Club

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking British soldiers have always shown a particular fondness for children, something I have witnessed repeatedly over the years. A particularly heartwarming example occurred just after New Year’s in 1958. On 2nd January, Major Vaughan and his wife invited 70 orphaned children from Hameln to the Pipers Club, …

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1951/05/00 21 Field Engineer Regiment – 48 Field Squadron – 125 (Bridge) Coy

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking The 21 Field Engineer Regiment, along with its squadrons, was stationed in Hameln for only a brief period. In October 1949, it was relocated from Holzminden to the town of the Pied Piper. The regiment included the 4th, 7th, and 27th Field Squadrons, as well as the …

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1950/05/18 – Soccer Game between 21 Fld Engr Rgt – HSC Hameln

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking Sport is always part of the army, as we all know that sport keeps you physically and mentally fit. Even in the first years of the occupation, there were always sporting competitions between Hameln clubs and the teams of the British units that were stationed here. This …

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