1997 – 2014


1997, another special feature of the troops stationed in Hameln was born. The 412 Amphibious Engineer Troop (Volunteers) was founded in Hameln. The only Territorial Army unit of the British Army outside the Kingdom. The troop is trained on the M3 Amphibious Bridging vehicles and is a part of 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron, now also a troop, based in Minden! The troop was deployed to Operation Telic and were the 1st to use the M3 Vehicles on operations at Crossing Point ANNA.


1997, eine weitere Besonderheit der in Hameln stationierten Truppen wurde geboren. Der 412 Amphibious Engineer Troop (Volunteers) wurde in Hameln gegründet. Der einzige Reservistenverband der Britischen Armee ausserhalb des Königreiches. Der Troop trainiert mit den M3 Fahrzeuge und ist ein Teil der 23 Amphibious Engineer Troops der inzwischen in Minden stationiert ist. Der Troop nahm an der Operation Teil teil und war der erste der die M3 Fahrzeuge in einem Kriegsgebiet eingesetzt hat bei Crossing Point ANNA.

2003/01 – Operation “TELIC 1”

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking   🇬🇧 2003/01 🇬🇧 Operation “TELIC 1” 28 Engineer Regiment Loading at Hameln Station Photos by Rainer Preuss **2003** – The world was ablaze, and the war knew no mercy. Not even the gates of the tranquil Weser town of Hamelin could hold it back. The 28 …

2008/09/15 – 2008/09/25 EXERCISE „NEPTUNE’S EAGLE / UNITED SHIELD“

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 15/09/2008 – 25/09/2008 🇬🇧 EXERCISE „NEPTUNE’S EAGLE / UNITED SHIELD“ The 28 Engineer Regiment from Hameln conducted the free-running exercise “NEPTUNE’S EAGLE” from 15 to 25 September 2008. It was previously reported that the Panzerpionierbataillon 1 from Holzminden supported this exercise during a Weser river crossing in Grave …


© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 2008/09/16 🇬🇧 „SCHWARZE MAMBA“ / „NEPTUNES EAGLE“ Amid the picturesque landscape surrounding the Weser, the week in September 2008 saw a hive of activity: The 28th Engineer Regiment from Hameln conducted their spectacular exercise, “Neptune’s Eagle.” Simultaneously, the Panzerpionierbataillon 1 from Holzminden relocated via a long …

2017 / 11 / 27 – 2017 / 11 / 30 EXERCISE FULL THROTTLE – 40th Anniversary of the British and German Amphibious Capability

© Arnd Wöbbeking Artlenburg, a small town on the banks of the Elbe. Historically documented is this place with its ford over the Elbe since the first century. The Romans use this transition as do many after them. The salt road leads along here and the Ertheneburg on the east side secured the ford against …

2010/06/04 – Crewmens Course at Upnor

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 2010/06/04 – Crewmens Course at Upnor 🇬🇧 28 Engineer Regiment 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron / 412 (V) Tp These impressive images were taken by Sebastian Kreutzkamp, who had the opportunity to participate in this training! Invited by the British troops, Sebastian even had the chance to …

2014/05/22 – M3 Rigs in the Weser Sluice – by Dave Meredith

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 2014/05/22 – M3 Ferries in the Weser Lock 🇬🇧 The British Armed Forces in Hameln have also frequently used the lock in the past, although unfortunately, there are few photographs documenting this. Therefore, I am especially pleased that Dave Meredith has shared his pictures with me, …

2011/06/23 – M3 Training at Wouldham Camp

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 2011/06/23 🇬🇧 M3 Training at Wouldham Camp It was a sunny afternoon on June 23, 2011, when I was driving through the streets of Hamelin. I didn’t have any particular plans, but then something unusual caught my eye: an M3 ferry was leisurely rolling onto the grounds …

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