40 Sqn – 26 Royal Corps of Transport Harry Worthington
Harry Worthington war in der Zeit vom 15. September 1966 an in Hameln! Er war bei der 40. Squadron des 26 Regiment Royal Corps of Transport!
Diese kleine nette Geschichte ist in seiner Erinnerung geblieben:
Im Juli 1968, es war ein Sonntag, wurde er in der Gaststätte Ice Box, das heutige Sudhaus von Helga und Heinz geweckt! Die Straße wurde damals gemacht und so lagen Stein- und Sandhaufen herum! Heinz half Ihm die Treppe hinunter und draußen fand er seinen Zimmerkollegen Mick Haynes auf einem Sandhaufen schlafend! Harry half Mick aufzustehen legte ihn aber in eine Schubkarre, die dort ebenfalls abgestellt gewesen ist! Mit dieser Schubkarre wollte Harry seinen Freun dawider zurück in die “BINDON BARRACKS” bringen! Das machte er auch, ohne allerdings zu bemerken das sie verfolgt wurden.
Ein Polizeiwagen der deutschen Polizei, damals ein VW, folgte den beiden! Kurz bevor er die Kaserne mit Mick in der Schubkarre erreichte, stoppten die deutschen Polizisten ihn und fragten natürlich nach, wo er hin möchte mit der Schubkarre! Harry erklärte es Ihnen und die beiden Polizisten ließen ihm die Wahl, entweder mit dem VW und den beiden auf die Wache fahren, oder er bringt die Karre wieder dorthin zurück, wo er sie hergeholt hat! Mick war derweil aufgewacht, schaute sich um und schlich sich von dannen bis in die Kaserne!
Um keinen Ärger zu bekommen, machte sich Harry nun mit “seiner” Schubkarre auf den Weg wieder Richtung Ice Box (Sudhaus)! Dort angekommen, natürlich immer mit den Polizisten im Schlepptau, stellte er die Karre wieder ab. Helga und Heinz beobachteten das ganze Geschehen aus dem Fenster und luden Harry dann ein mit Ihnen zu frühstücken! Es gab “Kaiserbrötchen”. Lustige Zeiten waren es für Harry so schrieb er mir und er hat nur gute Erinnerungen an die Stadt Hameln und seine Einwohner! Danke dafür!
Harry Worthington was posted to 40 Sqn Hameln, he arrived at the gate 1830 hrs 15th Sept 1966, Malc Towse was the duty RP, it was OC ‘s driver 40 Sqn the duty driver who picked Harry up from Hannover, on the way back he suggested to him to make a good impression on the R.P., just ask him where the NAFFI was !!, that stuck with me all the way through my time in the army!!, I was allocated to B troop.
And a nice funny story about his date with a wheel barrow.
One early Sunday morning in July 1968, I had the pleasure of leaving the Ice Box pub, after been woken up by Helga the land lady, helped down the steps by Heinz the landlord, to find my room mate Mick Haynes asleep on a pile of sand outside, They were re laying some cobbles on the adjoining street, he must have made it from the pub and fell asleep on the sand !!
I picked him up, and placed him inta a wheel barrow which was left at the road works, I then wheeled him back to Binden Barracks.
Unaware that a police VW was following me, as I turned into Scharnhorststrasse, they stopped me and asked where I was going, I advised them that I had only yards to go, in the mean time Mick awoke from his slumber, looked around, got his bearings then walked into camp !
I was then given a choice, get in the car, to be taken to the police station and be charged for the theft of the wheelbarrow, or walk all the way back to the Ice Box with the wheelbarrow and return it to the site………. I walked back to the site, as I laid the barrow on the sand, thinking that I had to walk all the way back to the barracks, Helga and Heinz saw me from their window, invited me in for a coffee, made me some Kaiser Brotchen, and a few beers !! then gave me a lift home.
Happy days all good memories of an excellent time in Hameln. Thanks for all!

Harry playing drums in 23 Amphibian Corporal Mess in Gordon Barracks
3 Kommentare
It’s a lie Harry, This tale never happened to you or Haynes…. Harry McGrory brought Robert Pozzi back to camp in the barrow and it was 1967 returning from the late night boozer.. “The Boot”… The two guys playing guitar are Bill Perry & Louis Lee.. Both from N Ireland
It’s a lie Harry, This tale never happened to you or Haynes…. Harry McGrory brought Robert Pozzi back to camp in the barrow and it was 1967 returning from the late night boozer.. “The Boot”
I (Jeff Richardson) was in Hameln at the same time indeed in the same Troop as Harry and remember the two guys playing guitar in the bottom picture. Two guys from Northern Ireland Bill Perry and Louis Lee. Regarding the story told by Harry… It did happen but different people were involved.. Harry McGrory brought Robert Pozzi back to camp in wheel barrow and was stopped at the gate by Lcpl Chris Brisco… Who detailed the event in the “Unusual Occurrence Book” held in the Guardroom… He was the RP Shift Nco…. In the book he wrote.. I stopped Dvr McGrory at the gate as he was pushing a wheel barrow with what appeared to be a bundle of rags – this bundle of rags later turned out to be Dvr Pozzi…. He commended Harry McGrory for bringing his drunken friend back to camp and allowed them to meander to the billets.. That sir is the true story, neither Harry Worthington nor Mick Haynes were involved nor were Helga and Heinz as I believe McGrory and Pozzi had been late night boozing in ” The Boot”