What was going on in 1949 / Was geschah im Jahr 1949


Was passierte im Jahr 1949 in Hameln? +++ What happened in the year 1949?


1949/12/01 – CINEMA PROGRAM – Kino Programm

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1949/12/01🇬🇧 AKC – Kino Programm April 1945,  the Americans marched into Hameln, a short time later the British forces took control. Many houses were confiscated, so also the cinema “Schauburg” on the Deisterstrasse. But it did not lose its destination, because the British Army also used …

1949 – Men of the 4 Field Squadron RE / 21 Field Engineer Regiment building a Bailey Bridge

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1949-1951 🇬🇧 21 Field Engineer Regiment 4th Field Squadron RE The war had been over for four years, and the occupying forces of the time were spread across all of Germany. Hameln was located in the British occupation zone, so it was no surprise that many …

1949 – 1952 – 21 Field Engineer Regiment – Harry “Yakker” Yates – ✝

© Loni Davidson & Arnd Wöbbeking Today, it is the 21st of June and it is a very special day, so let me explain, please! A few days ago, I met Loni Davidson at Facebook! She told me that her father was one of the first sappers here in hamelin in the year 1949! He served …

1949/12/03 – Eine Bitte an den Stadtkommandanten

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1949/12/03 🇬🇧 Request to the occupying power Since the end of the war, numerous buildings in Hameln have been confiscated or newly constructed by the British occupying forces. To assist the German population, the then so-called Resident Officer, Colonel Bankart, offered that the newly built apartments could be …

1949/03/01 – 1955/05/05 – Residenzoffizier-Oberst Bankart

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking Oberst Bankart 🇬🇧 RESIDENZ OFFIZIER & SERVICE LIAISON OFFICERS 🇩🇪 1945-2014 Oberst Bankart, formerly 3 years British commander of the districts of Göttingen-Stadt and Land, Hannoversch Münden becomes district rescue officer in Hameln. Oberst Bankart, vorher 3 Jahre britischer Kommandant der Kreise Göttingen-Stadt und Land, Hannoversch Münden …

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