© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking / Roger Makin

© www.british-army-in-hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking
🇬🇧 1962 – 1972 🇬🇧
408 Bridge Troop RE
Memories of Roger Makin
I was a crane Op but I was also a plant (construction equipment) Mechanic. I did my fist crane operating course at 408 in November 1962 when I was with 65 SQN based in Osnabrück. I came to Hameln in March 63 for the bridge season and was attached to 408 until about June, when a troop from 65 move into the Ravelin camp. It was while we were there that, an accident took place at Wouldham Hard, SPR Ginger Maclean fell off a bulldozer and was run over by it. I was there until the end of August when I went on detachment to Op Crown in Thailand.
Returned to Osnabruck in September 64 and moved to Hameln with 65 CFPS that year. Went to ADEN in April 65 for 2 years and was posted to 408 in July 67 and stayed with them until I was promoted to Cpl in November 70 and carried my bed across the barracks to 28 Amph workshops. I was with them in Bindon until Feb72. That was my last posting in BAOR.
I left the army in Dec 77 when I was made redundant .
🇩🇪 1962 – 1972 🇩🇪
408 Bridge Troop RE
Erinnerungen von Roger Makin
Ich war Kranführer, aber auch Mechaniker für Baumaschinen. Meinen ersten Kranführerkurs absolvierte ich im November 1962 bei 408, als ich beim 65 SQN mit Sitz in Osnabrück war. Ich kam im März 63 für die Brückenbausaison nach Hameln und war bis etwa Juni dem 408 (Bridge) Tp RE zugeteilt, als ein Trupp von 65 Squadron ins Ravelin-Lager zog. Während wir dort waren, ereignete sich bei Wouldham Hard ein Unfall, SPR Ginger Maclean fiel von einer Planierraupe und wurde von ihr überfahren. Ich war dort bis Ende August, als ich zu Op Crown nach Thailand abkommandiert wurde.
Ich kehrte im September 64 nach Osnabrück zurück und zog im selben Jahr mit 65 CFPS nach Hameln. Ging im April 65 für 2 Jahre nach ADEN und wurde im Juli 67 zu 408 (Bridge) Tp RE versetzt und blieb bei ihnen, bis ich im November 70 zum Cpl befördert wurde und mein Bett durch die Kaserne zu den Werkstätten von 28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment trug. Ich war bis Februar 72 bei ihnen in Bindon. Das war meine letzte Versetzung in BAOR. Ich verließ die Armee im Dezember 77, als ich entlassen wurde.
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Hi Arnd
I am Mike Scott and have recently posted an article on your site, I particularly would like to contact Eric Riches. Would you be able to inform him of my email address and Telephone Number (01594510830). I would like to send some photos to you site, how do I do this.
Kind Regards
Mick Scott
Hi Eric
Ref my last post, my telephone number should read – 01594510830.
have some photos of us in 408 at Sennelager ranges, a photo of us all outside our block, and one of you, Mick Englefield and me by the cranes..
As soon as I can will post them on this site.
Regards Mick Scott
Hi Arnd,I am really confused with some of the things I read.I was the longest serving sapper in 408 troop in the 60’s.I served 5years in 408 and I do not remember any of the men mentioned in the posts.I still have my service record which show where I served.I did 6years in the army and 5 of those years was in 408.I did send you some photos that show Bindon,I just do not recall any of the guys who are shown on the website.
Hi Eric
I served with you in 408 troop from 1963 to 1965, My name is Mick Scott I was the troop clerk, we had some very good times together (if you rememer I did the B3 crane op course which you, Andy Dove and Mick Englefield ran
Would like to hear from you, it’s been a long time but people don’t forget friends.
Tel: 01595510830.
Regards Mick
Ref my last post my telephone number should read – 01594 510830. Regards Mick scott
Hi Eric
Sent a reply to your item but gave the wrong phone number, should read 01594510830
Hope to hear from you
Mick Scott
Have seen Rogers name a number of times when I have been flitting around on the laptop. Could not remember him at 65cfps, have just seen his photograph on this site, still do not recollect him at all.
I was with 65 from 1961 to 66, as a plant operator. Roger mentioned Ginge Maclean, whom I remember very well, and the accident as though it had happened yesterday. Even met Ginge;s parents and went to the funeral, I think that was in Hannover.
I can remember quite a few names from Plant Troop, but the only crane op name I can remember was an Irish lad Paddy Boyl.
Two Troop Captains name I bring to mind, one was ‘ Rooke’ and the other was. ‘ Peter Plant’
If you would like to pass this on to Roger , and if he has the urge to contact me, we can maybe jog each others memory
Cheers, Dave Lee..
Hi there ,
I was stationed withe Roger Makin at Bindon barracks in the 1960s. I moved from 23 Amph Eng Sqn. I was the troop welder and our OC was Captain Johns. I remember Jim Masson also a crane op. We got the rough terrain crane to play with as well.As for me I work in the oil industry and and am at the moment offshore St Johns in Canada ( at 67 years old )
Could you contact Roger for me and give him my email address,
Cheers ,
Ian Brand
Hey Ian, sent him your email and add ask you for friendship at facebook. cheers arnd