1965/05/27 – EXERCISE “CANAL TURN” – Memories of Tony Smith – 29 Field Squadron RE

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking

© www.british-army-in-hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking

© www.british-army-in-hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking

🇬🇧 Memories of Tony Smith 🇬🇧
18/05/1965 – 07/09/1967
29 Field Squadron RE – 35 Engineer Regiment

Tony Smith was stationed in Hameln with the 29 Field Squadron of the Royal Engineers during the above-mentioned period. The 29th Squadron was one of the, if not the longest stationed unit of the Royal Engineers in Hameln. The squadron was always very busy, with training, assistance missions, and of course, maneuvers. Tony was also involved with the 29 Field Squadron in Exercise “Canal Turn,” which took place from 27-29 May 1965.

Unfortunately, there are no pictures, but still very valuable information to complete the timeline of the units stationed in Hameln – thank you, Tony!

🇩🇪 Memories of Tony Smith 🇩🇪
18.05.1965 – 07.09.1967
29 Field Squadron RE – 35 Engineer Regiment

Tony Smith war in dem oben genannten Zeitraum in Hameln bei der 29 Field Squadron der Royal Engineers stationiert. Die 29. Squadron war eine der, wenn nicht sogar die am längsten in Hameln stationierte Einheit der Royal Engineers. Die Squadron war immer viel beschäftigt, Ausbildung, Hilfe-Leistungen und natürlich Manöver. Auch an der Exercise „Canal Turn“ die vom 27-29 Mai 1965 lief war Tony mit der 29 Field Squadron beteiligt.

Leider keine Bilder, aber trotzdem sehr wertvolle Informationen um die Zeitlinie der in Hameln stationierten Einheiten zu vervollständigen- danke Tony!

Last updated: Oktober 21, 2024 at 17:40 pm

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