© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking

Digital Copy of the Original Maingate Sign Bindon Barracks © British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking
🇬🇧 1951/05/00 🇬🇧
21 Field Engineer Regiment
48 Field Squadron – 125 (Bridge) Coy
The 21 Field Engineer Regiment, along with its squadrons, was stationed in Hameln for only a brief period. In October 1949, it was relocated from Holzminden to the town of the Pied Piper. The regiment included the 4th, 7th, and 27th Field Squadrons, as well as the 45th Field Park Squadron. I find it particularly fascinating to receive photos from this time, as they help confirm the accuracy of my research regarding the duration and exact period of the units’ deployment.
At that time, Terry Morell served in the 125 (BRIDGE) Company of the Royal Army Service Corps (RASC). The following photos, taken by Terry at Wouldham Camp, show a Centurion tank of the 4th Royal Tank Regiment crossing a. This bridge was constructed by the 2nd Troop of the 48 Field Squadron of the 21 Field Engineer Regiment. I cannot emphasise enough how grateful I am to the former soldiers who share their photos and memories from their time in Hameln. Without their contributions, this website would not have been possible in its current form.
🇩🇪 1951/05/00 🇩🇪
21 Field Engineer Regiment
48 Field Squadron – 125 (Bridge) Coy
Das 21 Field Engineer Regiment mit seinen Squadrons war nur sehr kurz in Hameln stationiert. Im Oktober 1949 verlegte es von Holzminden in die Rattenfängerstadt. Dazu gehörte die 4th, 7th & 27th Field Squadron und die 45th Field Park Squadron. 1951, Bauchhier finde ich es sehr spannend aus dieser Zeit Bilder zu bekommen, die bestätigen, das meine Recherchen richtig sind, was die Dauer und Zeitraum der Stationierung der einzelnen Einheiten angeht.
Terry Morell war zu der Zeit bei der 125 (BRIDGE) Coy RASC (Royal Army Service Corps). Die folgenden Fotos, die Terry damals im Wouldham Camp gemacht hat, zeigen einen Centurion Kampfpanzer des 4th Royal Tank Regiment der eine Class 60 Bailey Bridge überquert. Die Brücke wurde vom 2nd Troop der 48 Field Squadron des 21 Field Engineer Regiments gebaut. Ich kann nicht oft genug betonen, wie dankbar ich bin, das einige ehemalige Soldaten mir Fotos und andere Erinnerungen aus Ihrer Zeit hier in Hameln senden. Ohne das wäre diese Webseite nicht in diesem Umfang möglich.
all photos © Terry Morell / 125 COY RASC
Last updated: Oktober 31, 2024 at 17:35 pm
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