© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking

© https://british-army-in-hameln.com/ Arnd Wöbbeking
🇬🇧 1996/12/01 – 1996/12/04 🇬🇧
Official handover of M3 vehicles to the 28 Engineer Regiment
From 1 to 4 December 1996, Exercise “NEPTUNE’S FROST” took place in and around Hameln. This exercise marked a turning point for the regiment, as it was officially equipped with new amphibious vehicles. “It was dreadful weather,” recalled Eckhard Uhde when he handed me the pictures he had taken at the time to capture this significant moment. I would like to sincerely thank him for that. Alan Tyson-Carter was liaison officer in Hameln at the time. The vehicles, particularly the M3s with registration numbers ranging from 16CP01 to 16CP38, are still in use today by the 23 Amphibious Squadron RE and 412 (V) Tp in Minden.
Participants from the 28 Engineer Regiment included the 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron RE with M2D and M3 vehicles, the 64 Headquarters Squadron RE with CVR(T) Spartan, the 42 Field Squadron RE with FV432, the Diving Team, and a Combat Engineer Tractor (CET), as well as the 65 Field Park Squadron RE with DROPS logistic vehicles, and the 28 Engineer Regiment Workshop REME with a Foden recovery vehicle. Additionally, the 35 Engineer Regiment was represented by the 29 Field Squadron RE with FV432 vehicles.
Crossing the Weser River were Stormer HVMs from the 9 (Plassey) Battery of the 12th Regiment Royal Artillery, and FV510 Warriors from the 1st Company of the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards from Münster. Also present were elements of the 130th Heavy Engineer Battalion from Minden, represented by the 2nd Heavy Bridge Company. The 28 Engineer Regiment and this battalion have enjoyed a close partnership for the past 19 years.
🇩🇪 1996/12/01 – 1996/12/04 🇩🇪
Offizielle Übergabe der M3 Fahrzeuge an das 28 Engineer Regiment
Vom 1. bis 4. Dezember 1996 fand in Hameln und Umgebung das Manöver „NEPTUNE’S FROST“ statt. Dieses Manöver markierte einen Wendepunkt für das Regiment, da es offiziell mit neuen amphibischen Fahrzeugen ausgestattet wurde. „Ein Sauwetter“, erinnerte sich Eckhard Uhde, als er mir die Bilder überreichte, die er damals gemacht hatte, um diesen besonderen Moment festzuhalten. Dafür möchte ich ihm herzlich danken. Alan Tyson-Carter war zu dieser Zeit Verbindungsoffizier in Hameln. Die Fahrzeuge, insbesondere die M3, die Kennzeichen von 16CP01 bis 16CP38 tragen, werden bis heute von der 23 Amphibious Squadron RE und dem 412 (V) Tp in Minden genutzt.
Am Manöver beteiligt waren vom 28 Engineer Regiment die 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron RE mit M2D und M3, die 64 Headquarter Squadron RE mit CVR(T) Spartan, die 42 Field Squadron RE mit FV432 dem Tauchteam und einem Combat Engineer Tractor (CET) der Squadron. Weiterhin die 65 Field Park Squadron RE mit DROPS-Logistikfahrzeugen sowie die Werkstatteinheit des 28 Engineer Regiment mit einem Foden-Bergefahrzeug. Zudem war das 35 Engineer Regiment mit der 29 Field Squadron RE und FV432 vertreten.
Über die Weser übersetzten unter anderem Stormer HVM der 9 (Plassey) Battery des 12th Regiment Royal Artillery und FV510 Warrior der 1. Kompanie des 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards aus Münster. Auch Teile des schweren Pionierbataillons 130 aus Minden, vertreten durch die 2. schwere Brückenkompanie, nahmen an der Übung teil. Zwischen dem 28 Engineer Regiment und diesem Bataillon besteht seit 19 Jahren eine enge Partnerschaft.
Some Details about NEPTUNES FROST
Übungsbeginn / Start Ex: 01.12.1996
Übungsende / Endex: 04.12.1996
Übungsart / Type of Ex: CPX
Nationen / Nations: UK, GE
Einheiten / Units: (UK) - 28 Engineer Regiment - Hameln
(UK) - 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron RE ( M2D / M3 )
(UK) - 29 Field Squadron RE ( FV432 )
(UK) - 42 Field Squadron RE ( FV432, Diving Team, CET )
(UK) - 64 Headquarter Squadron RE ( CVR(T) Spartan )
(UK) - 65 Field Park Squadron RE ( DROPS Logistic Vehicles )
(UK) - 28 Engineer Regiment Workshop REME (Foden Rec Veh )
(UK) - 12th Regimet Royal Artillery - Paderborn
9 (Plassey) Battery ( HVM Stormer )
(UK) - 1st Bn Coldstream Guards - Münster
No. 1 Coy (Warrior )
(GE) - sPiBtl 130 - Minden
2. sBrückenkompanie ( M3 )
Soldiers: 125 - 28 Engr Regt
25 - sPioBtl.130
Amphibienfahrzeuge / Rigs: 10
(4 German)
(6 British)
Wheeled vehicles: 29
Tracked vehicles: 27
Helicopter: 1 ( Gazelle)
Übungsraum / Training Area: Landkreis Hameln-Pyrmont
TrÜbPl Holtensen
TrÜbPl Upnor
TrÜbPl Pötzen
TrÜbPl Ravelin Camp
TrÜbPl Wouldham Camp
Steinbruch/ Quarry Pötzen
Here is a list where Weser crossing were planned:
Last updated: Oktober 31, 2024 at 17:35 pm
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