Tag: 42 Field Squadron RE

1999.08.26 – New commander of the 28 Engineer Regiment

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1999/08/26 🇬🇧 New commander of the 28 Engineer Regiment On August 26, 1999, the command of the 28th Engineer Regiment changed hands. Exactly 25 years ago, John Mullin, an Englishman, handed over command to his successor, Andrew Mills, a Scotsman. The local Newspaper „Deister- und Weserzeitung“ …

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2013/07/06 – Freedom of the City – 42 Field Squadron RE disbanded

© www.british-army-in-hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking

© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 2013/07/06 🇬🇧 Freedom of the City Disbandment 42 Field Squadron RE A sad occasion for the soldiers of the 42 Field Squadron RE, part of the 28 Engineer Regiment from Hameln! Today, on 6th July 2013, their unit was disbanded as part of the restructuring of …

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