© www.british-army-in-hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking
🇬🇧 Football, Soccer, Rugby, Boxing and other Sports 🇬🇧
The soldiers stationed in Hamelin played a key role in promoting various sports. On the one hand, these activities helped them stay fit, while on the other, they fostered social interaction. Many soldiers were actively involved in local sports clubs, both in Hamelin and the surrounding region. Some British clubs were even founded in Hamelin, such as the “Scorpion” club, which was established in Georges Bar. Boxing was also particularly popular, with matches taking place in the sports hall of the Gordon Barracks. Even winter sports were part of the soldiers’ athletic pursuits.
🇩🇪 Football, Soccer, Rugby, Boxing and other Sports 🇩🇪
In Hameln spielten die hier stationierten Soldaten eine entscheidende Rolle für die Verbreitung verschiedener Sportarten. Zum einen dienten die sportlichen Aktivitäten der körperlichen Fitness, zum anderen förderten sie den gesellschaftlichen Austausch. Viele der Soldaten engagierten sich auch aktiv in den örtlichen Sportvereinen, sowohl in Hameln selbst als auch in der umliegenden Region. Einige britische Clubs wurden sogar in Hameln gegründet, darunter der Verein „Scorpion“, der in Georges Bar ins Leben gerufen wurde. Besonders beliebt war zudem das Boxen, das in der Sporthalle der Gordon Barracks stattfand. Auch Wintersportarten fanden ihren Platz im sportlichen Angebot der Soldaten.
Last updated: Oktober 16, 2024 at 16:48 pm
1970-1975 – Football Shirt of the SV Hajen e.V. in UK by Bill Smith
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1971-1975 🇬🇧 Message form the past Football Shirt of the SV Hajen e.V. by Bill Smith Many British soldiers lived in private accommodation during their service and were actively involved in sports clubs in Hameln and the surrounding area. Bill Smith sent a special souvenir from his …
1968/05/25 – Royal Military Police Hameln Detachment vs DEWEZET
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1968/05/25 🇬🇧 Royal Military Police Hameln Detachment Football Game Team of the local Newspaper – Team of the Royal Military Police Hameln On 25 May 1968, the *Deister- und Weserzeitung* reported on an extraordinary football match that set the streets of Hameln abuzz. The newspaper employees, …
1962/07/24 – British–German (Hameln) Go-Cart Club
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1962/07/24 🇬🇧 British–German (Hameln) Go-Cart Club Fortunately, the *Deister- und Weserzeitung* provided extensive coverage – otherwise, I would certainly have missed this club. It remains unclear when exactly the club was founded or how long it operated. Nevertheless, it sounds like an exciting and entertaining time. …
1959/12/24 – Football Game – 125 (Bridge) Coy
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1959/12/24 🇬🇧 Football Game – 125 (Bridge) Coy Shortly before Christmas in 1959, an exciting football match took place between the 125 (Bridge) Company and the 7th Engineer Battalion of the Bundeswehr from Holzminden, as reported by the *Deister- und Weserzeitung*. The match ended in a …
1951/1952 – 125 (Bridge) Coy RASC – Memories of William Sydney Goldingay
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1951/1952 🇬🇧 125 (Bridge) Coy RASC Memories of William Sydney Goldingay William Sydney Goldingay was stationed in Hamelin with the 125 (Bridge) Company in 1951/1952. This time must have been special for him, as he remembered it well into old age and often shared stories about …
1950/05/18 – Soccer Game between 21 Fld Engr Rgt – HSC Hameln
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking 🇬🇧 1950/05/18 🇬🇧 Soccer Game between 21 Fld Engr Rgt – HSC Hameln Sport is always part of the army, as we all know that sport keeps you physically and mentally fit. Even in the first years of the occupation, there were always sporting competitions between Hameln …
1947/48 – Hameln Garrison Rugby-Union Football Team
© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking & © Sapper Magazin / Archiv John Lonsdale 🇬🇧 1948/03/11 🇬🇧 HAMELN GARRISON FOOTBALL TEAM Rugby and football were and still are the most popular sports among the English troops. On Friday I met John Lonsdale at a celebration of the Royal British Legion in Hamelin. He …
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