© Joerg Kretschmer
Jörg Kretschmer, öffnete sein Photoarchiv für mich und in naher Zukunft werden einige Berichte und Photos folgen. Anfangen möchte ich mit einem Film der schon länger von Jörg bei Youtube hochgeladen ist. 1970 wurde er gedreht, ohne Ton, aber wertvoll für die Geschichte Hamelns allemal! Vielen Dank an die Familie Kretschmer!
Jörg Kretschmer, opened his photographic archives for me and in the near future some reports and photos will follow. I’ll begin with a film that is already longer uploaded by Jörg at Youtube. In 1970 he was shot without sound, but a fantastic historic document for the town and for all sappers of hamelin! ! Thanks to the Kretschmer family!
2 Kommentare
I think I was there, not sure what rank I was in, but I can remember marching through Hameln, several times, once we were given the freedom of the town
We marched with fixed bayonets
I wonder who filmed this ?
I think the father of Jörg Kretschmer ( Georges ) filmed this!