1966/03/17 – EXERCISE “RED ADMIRAL” – Memories of Tony Smith – 29 Field Squadron RE

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© www.british-army-in-hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking

🇬🇧 Memories of Tony Smith 🇬🇧
18.05.1965 – 07.09.1967
29 Field Squadron RE – 35 Engineer Regiment

Tony Smith was stationed in Hameln with the 29 Field Squadron of the Royal Engineers during the period mentioned above. The 29th Squadron was one of, if not the longest stationed unit of the Royal Engineers in Hameln. The squadron was always very busy with training, assistance operations, and, of course, manoeuvres. The exercise “RED ADMIRAL” took place from 7 March 1966 to 21 March 1966 in Randers, Denmark!  

Many thanks to Tony Smith for providing this information!

🇩🇪 Memories of Tony Smith 🇩🇪
18.05.1965 – 07.09.1967
29 Field Squadron RE – 35 Engineer Regiment

Tony Smith war in dem oben genannten Zeitraum in Hameln bei der 29 Field Squadron der Royal Engineers stationiert. Die 29. Squadron war eine der, wenn nicht sogar die am längsten in Hameln stationierte Einheit der Royal Engineers. Die Squadron war immer viel beschäftigt, Ausbildung, Hilfe-Leistungen und natürlich Manöver. DieÜbung „RED ADMIRAL“ fand statt vom 07.03.1966 – 21.03.1966 in Randers, Dänemark!

Herzlichen Dank an Tony Smith für diese Informationen!

Last updated: Oktober 21, 2024 at 17:42 pm

2 Kommentare

    • robert beith on August 30, 2019 at 1:39 pm
    • Antworten

    Yep that’s me with the ferret I drove from Hameln to Randers

    1. Robert, thats brilliant to read you found yourself on my page here! Any memories are always very welcome! Cheers Arnd

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