© British Army in Hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking

© www.british-army-in-hameln.com / Arnd Wöbbeking
🇬🇧 Memories of Tony Smith 🇬🇧
18.05.1965 – 07.09.1967
29 Field Squadron RE – 35 Engineer Regiment
1965 Queen Visit in Sennelager
Tony Smith was stationed in Hameln with the 29 Field Squadron RE during the aforementioned period. The 29th Squadron was one of, if not the longest-serving unit of the Royal Engineers based in Hameln. On May 26, 1965, Queen Elizabeth visited Sennelager! That was one of Tony Smith’s first missions! It was also the only time he saw the Queen up close! Thank you for providing me with the certificate for my website!
🇩🇪 Memories of Tony Smith 🇩🇪
18.05.1965 – 07.09.1967
29 Field Squadron RE – 35 Engineer Regiment
Besuch der Queen in Sennelager
Tony Smith war in dem oben genannten Zeitraum in Hameln bei der 29 Field Squadron der Royal Engineers stationiert. Die 29. Squadron war eine der, wenn nicht sogar die am längsten in Hameln stationierte Einheit der Royal Engineers. Am 26.05.1965 besuchte Queen Elizabeth Sennelager! Das war einer der ersten Einsätze für Tony Smith! Zugleich auch das einzige Mal wo er die Queen so nah gesehen hat! Danke das Du mir die Urkunde für meine Seite zur Verfügung gestallt hast!
all photos © British Army in Hameln.com / Tony Smith
Last updated: Oktober 31, 2024 at 17:35 pm
3 Kommentare
I was one of the hundreds.
23784754 Lcpl Hetherington J.
I was attached to 12Inf Brigade in Osnabruck. As an Officers Mess cook ACC .I was picked as part of the Catering Team in the Field Kitchen and the Staff for the Banquet for Her Majesty Queen and HRH Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh and Dignitaries. I would be interested in hearing from anyone else who might have been there.
Is there any video footage available online of the 1965 visit by Queen Elizabeth II to Sennelager?