522 Specialist Team Royal Engineers wurde in Willich gegründet und war dort in der Nähe der deutsch / niederländischen Grenze, in der Mitte des Dreiecks von Mönchengladbach, Düsseldorf und Krefeld von 1972 – 1992 stationiert! Diese Einheit wurde gegründet als Teil der 40 Army Engineer Support Group – eine bunt gemischte Truppe, bestehend aus HQ, 21 Engr Base-Workshop, 62 Corps Support Workshop ( REME ), 303 Engr Park, 306 Pl Park, Inspectorate of Engineer Resources (IER)
Die Aufgabe der 522 STRE war wie ein Planungsbüro der Rheinarmee für Bautechnik zu verstehen! Das Team von qualifizierten Ingenieuren, Garrison Ingenieure, Bauleiter, Zeichner, Vermessungsingenieure, Ressourcen und MT arbeitete eng mit dem Mobile Civilian Artisan Gruppen ( MCAGs ), deren Handwerker bestanden größtenteils aus polnischen und deutschen Staatsangehörigen. Im Jahr 1992 kam die 522 STRE unter administrative Kontrolle des 28 Engineer Regiments und wurde darum auch nach Hameln verlegt! Zuerst war es in den Bindon Barracks (Scharnhorst Kaserne) stationiert. Nach eine weitere Reformation im Jahr 1998 wurden diese Einheit von den Bindon Barracks in die Gordon Barracks verlegt, zusammen mit dem 28 Engineer Regiment! Irgendwann (leider fehlen mir hier genau Daten) wurde es in die Military Works Force integriert!
These following information I got from Mike Batty-Smith:
522 Specialist Team Royal Engineers (Works) was based in Willich near Mönchengladbach as part of 40 Army Engineer support group (AESG) until 1991. It then moved to Hameln as part of 28 Engineer Regiment, based in Bindon Bks.It’s main role was infrastructure engineering support for 1 BR Corps in BFG. The team consisted of 2 Engineer officers (normally one Major – the OC, and one Capt 2ic) one would be a civil engineer, the other a mech or elec Engr. There were also 2 Garrison Engineers (Capt). There was also a Team Warrant Officer (WO1/WO2) 4 Ssgt clerk of works, 1 Sgt Draughtsman, 4 draughtsmen (Arch & Mech/Elec) pl to Sapper, 4 Surveyor Engineers Cpl to Sapper, 1 Sgt Construction Materials technician, 1 Resources Cpl, 2 MT dept Lcpl/spr and finally 1 clerk. The team’s role was to recce, design and Control building works in main land europe. This might cover anything from temporary accommodation, field hospitals and prisoner of war camps to peacetime refurbishment of the military estate. ( ranges, roads, training facilities) It provided the technical expertise whilst the labour was provided by RE tradesmen, local civilian workforce or both. When Bindon bks closed (98 I think) 522 went back to the UK and became part of Military Works Force at Chilwell Nottingham which later became Infrastructure Support Group. (170? – not sure of the number) I was posted to the team in Willich 88-90 and again in Hameln 96-98 .. hope this helps mate. Regards Mike
522 Specialist Team Royal Engineers (Works) was based in Willich near Mönchengladbach as part of 40 Army Engineer support group (AESG) until 1991. It then moved to Hameln as part of 28 Engineer Regiment, based in Bindon Bks.It’s main role was infrastructure engineering support for 1 BR Corps in BFG. The team consisted of 2 Engineer officers (normally one Major – the OC, and one Capt 2ic) one would be a civil engineer, the other a mech or elec Engr. There were also 2 Garrison Engineers (Capt). There was also a Team Warrant Officer (WO1/WO2) 4 Ssgt clerk of works, 1 Sgt Draughtsman, 4 draughtsmen (Arch & Mech/Elec) pl to Sapper, 4 Surveyor Engineers Cpl to Sapper, 1 Sgt Construction Materials technician, 1 Resources Cpl, 2 MT dept Lcpl/spr and finally 1 clerk. The team’s role was to recce, design and Control building works in main land europe. This might cover anything from temporary accommodation, field hospitals and prisoner of war camps to peacetime refurbishment of the military estate. ( ranges, roads, training facilities) It provided the technical expertise whilst the labour was provided by RE tradesmen, local civilian workforce or both. When Bindon bks closed (98 I think) 522 went back to the UK and became part of Military Works Force at Chilwell Nottingham which later became Infrastructure Support Group. (170? – not sure of the number) I was posted to the team in Willich 88-90 and again in Hameln 96-98 .. hope this helps mate. Regards Mike
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