2000/05/15 – 2000/05/26 – EXERCISE “NEPTUNES SWORD”

© Arnd Wöbbeking all photos © by Eckhard Uhde

Neptunes Sword, eine Exercise im Jahr der Jahrtausendwende. Die M3 Rigs waren noch fast neu beim 28 Engineer Regiment und im Mai diesen Jahres waren sie im Landkreis Hameln-Pyrmont, Höxter und Holzminden auf Übung. Dank meines guten Freundes Eckhard Uhde kann ich nun auch zu dieser Übung hier ein paar Bilder zeigen. Die Bilder entstanden alle an der Eisenbahnbrücke am Schloß Corvey.


Neptunes Sword, an Exercise in the new millennium. The M3 rigs were almost new with 28 Engineer Regiment and in May this year they were in the district of Hamelin-Pyrmont, Höxter and Holzminden on exercise. Thanks to my good friend Eckhard Uhde, I can now also show some of his fantastic photos he took during this exercise. The pictures were all taken at the railway bridge close to Castle Corvey.


Übungsbeginn / Start Ex:15.05.2000
Übungsende / Endex: 26.05.2000
Übungsart / Type of Ex:Field Training Exercise
Nationen / Nations:UK, BRD
Einheiten / Units:28 Engineer Regiment -Hameln
sPio.Btl.130 - Miinden
Übungsraum / Training Area:Hameln-Höxter-Holzminden


2000 Neptunes Sword by Eckhard Uhde

2000 Neptunes Sword by Eckhard Uhde

2000 Neptunes Sword by Eckhard Uhde

2000 Neptunes Sword by Eckhard Uhde

2000 Neptunes Sword by Eckhard Uhde

2000 Neptunes Sword by Eckhard Uhde

2000 Neptunes Sword by Eckhard Uhde

2000 Neptunes Sword by Eckhard Uhde

2000 Neptunes Sword by Eckhard Uhde


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